New World

New World Expeditions Carry

Expedition is a instanced dungeons that will take of three to five players to the darkest corners of Aeternum. You need a ton of teamwork to get through various puzzles, srtong monstres and challenging battles with bosses which require skill and team coordination to complete. Each of expeditions contains an unique loot and gear. In successive Expeditions, the mechanics and puzzles are going to variative. There is an expeditions list with level requirements: Amrine Excavation - lvl 25+ Starstone Barrows - lvl 35+ The Depths - lvl 45+ Dynasty Shipyard - lvl 55+ The Lazarus Instrumentality - lvl 60+ Garden of Genesis - lvl 60+ For each expedition the bosses, monsters and loot you will get from them will variate. So, be prepared to get an unique experience by completing this challenging expeditions with our professional WoWCarry teamsExpedition is a instanced dungeons that will take of three to five players to the darkest corners of Aeternum. You need a ton of teamwork to get through various puzzles, srtong monstres and challenging battles with bosses which require skill and team coordination to complete. Each of expeditions contains an unique loot and gear. In successive Expeditions, the mechanics and puzzles are going to variative. There is an expeditions list with level requirements: Amrine Excavation - lvl 25+ Starstone Barrows - lvl 35+ The Depths - lvl 45+ Dynasty Shipyard - lvl 55+ The Lazarus Instrumentality - lvl 60+ Garden of Genesis - lvl 60+ For each expedition the bosses, monsters and loot you will get from them will variate. So, be prepared to get an unique experience by completing this challenging expeditions with our professional WoWCarry teams.