WoW Dragonflight
EU Arena 2v2 Boost


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EU Arena 2v2 Boost
Important note before purchase
Please, contact customer support agent to schedule your Arena boost before the purchase.
What You'll Get
Estimated Time
  • Selected Number of Hours
    Select the number of hours you want to spend with a professional PvP player in Arena 2v2 battles. You will get not only invaluable experience but also a rating increase. We do not guarantee a specific rating, as Arena 2v2 requires the full involvement of two players.
  • PvP Gear
    You will get the opportunity to buy Conquest 515 ilvl PvP gear. You will get 35 Conquest points for the first win of the day and 25 points for all subsequent wins.
  • PvP Elite Appearance
    Starting with a 1000 rating, you will get bracers, a belt, and a cloak. 1400 rating gives you legs, boots, and gloves. 1800 rating provides body armor, helmet, and shoulders. With a 2100 rating, you will get a unique seasonal weapon appearance.
  • Season Mount Progress
    We will raise your progress to get the seasonal mount Vicious Dreamtalon. Each win grants a 0.5% progress bar increase.
Our coaches have a tight schedule, so we always ask you to specify a convenient time. You can be sure that you will not have to wait for a slot for a long time, usually no longer than 60 minutes. Once both sides set the service time, the service will last exactly as long as you ordered.
  • Selfplay
    You will need to personally participate in the run. We will not be able to provide our pilot who will log into your account to complete this service.
  • No PvP Experience Required
    Your teammate, represented by our professional player, will do everything to win. However, your participation will significantly increase your chances of winning. Therefore, we ask you not to stand AFK in the arena.
  • 502+ PvP Ilvl Character
    You need to have at least 502 PvP item level equipped on your character.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Arena Carry in World of Warcraft?

In World of Warcraft, an Arena carry refers to a specialized boost service offered by skilled players to help others improve their PvP (Player versus Player) Arena rating or achieve specific rewards. This service is designed to assist players who may be struggling to climb the ladder or lack the necessary experience or skill level to succeed in competitive PvP matches.

During an Arena carry, a highly skilled player or a team of players will join forces with the client and participate in Arena matches together. Their primary objective is to guide, support, and strategically carry the client to higher ratings or desired rewards, such as prestigious titles, mounts, or exclusive gear. The skilled players leverage their expertise, game knowledge, and coordinated gameplay to enhance the chances of success for the client.

By utilizing an Arena carry service, players can bypass the hurdles and challenges associated with climbing the PvP ranks and instead focus on enjoying the rewards and benefits of higher ratings. The carry service not only saves time but also provides an opportunity for players to learn from highly skilled individuals, improving their own gameplay and strategies along the way.

If you're looking for an efficient and reliable Arena carry service in World of Warcraft, consider reaching out to reputable gaming platforms or professional boosting services. These services employ skilled players who are adept at maximizing your PvP potential and helping you achieve your desired goals in the Arena.

Remember, an Arena carry service should always be obtained from trusted sources to ensure account security and fair play, and WowCarry is the one. Take the time to research and choose a reputable service that adheres to ethical standards and values customer satisfaction.

So, whether you're aiming for higher ratings, coveted rewards, or simply want to enhance your PvP skills, an Arena carry service in World of Warcraft can be a valuable resource to accelerate your progress and make the most out of your PvP experience.

How does Arena Carry work?

The Arena Carry service involves a professional player or team playing alongside you or carrying your character to achieve higher ratings in arena matches. The boosters help improve your skills, provide valuable advice, and help you win more games, resulting in an increased rating.

Is Arena Carry safe?

Yes, Arena Carry is a safe service in World of Warcraft. WowCarry only employs professional players who follow the game's terms of service and guidelines to ensure the safety and legitimacy of the service.

How long does it take to complete Arena Carry?

The duration of the Arena Carry service depends on several factors, such as your current rating, the desired rating, and the number of matches required to achieve the desired rating. We will provide the ETA before the service starts.

What are the benefits of using Arena Carry in WoW?

The benefits of using Arena Carry are significant. You can achieve higher ratings, receive valuable advice and coaching from professional players, earn rewards and achievements, and save the time and effort required to reach the desired rating on your own.


Arena 2v2 Carry is the ultimate service for aspiring PvP champions who want to take their game to the next level! With this service, you can play with a highly skilled pro player who has achieved all prestigious rewards in PvP since Burning Crusade or even Classic WoW.

Our coaching sessions are tailored to your unique needs and skill level, ensuring you get the most out of every hour with our pro player. Whether you're looking to improve your strategies, master new techniques, or learn the ins and outs of Arena 2v2, our coaching team has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.

With Arena 2v2 Carry, you can access one-on-one coaching to take your PvP game to the next level. Our pro players are not only highly skilled and experienced, but they're also passionate about helping others succeed. So whether you're a seasoned player looking to hone your skills or a newcomer just starting, we're here to help you achieve your goals and become the champion you know you can be.

Benefits Of Buying Arena 2v2 Carry

Everyone decides for himself the benefits of buying a specific service. By buying Arena 2v2 boost from us, you will get:

  1. Honor and Conquest points for Arena 2v2 matches.
  2. Honor levels depend on the hours you select in product options.
  3. Vicious Saddle mount for 200 arenas 2v2 wins if in the selected number of hours you make 200 wins.
  4. The ability to increase the ilvl of your PvE equipment up to 499 ilvl.
  5. PvP Elite appearance depends on the rating you got during the service.

Dragonflight: Season Three PvP Gear System Explanation

In Dragonflight Season Three we have PvP ilvl cap increased. You can check updated ilvls in the table below.

Gear Type How to Get? PvP Ilvl
Combatant Craft (Work Orders) 515
Honor 502
Conquest 515
Scalewarden Starter Gear Bloody Tokens (War Mode) 499
Scalewarden Upgraded Gear Trophy of Strife (War Mode) 512
There are two vendors Seltherex - Honor gear and Calderax for Conquest gear, both located in Valdrakken. Crafted gear can be purchased at the auction house or you can ask someone to craft it through work orders.

Thus, getting a rank has become even more prestigious since all players are on an equal footing, and Gladiator Mount has never been such a serious task.

Is PvP Gear Good For PvE?

Indeed, PvE gear is much better than PvP regarding dungeons and raids. But we are still talking about two different branches of the game. However, you can perform simple PvE tasks in PvP equipment.

Rating Rewards 1000-1199 1200-1399 1400-1599 1600-1799 1800-1949 1950-2099 2100-2399 2400+
PvP Gear ilvl 515 ilvl 515 ilvl 515 ilvl 515 ilvl 515 ilvl 515 ilvl 515 ilvl 515 ilvl
Great Vault and PvE Gear ilvl 478 ilvl 481 ilvl 484 ilvl 487 ilvl 490 ilvl 493 ilvl 496 ilvl 499 ilvl

It doesn't matter if you are a PvE or PvP player, Arena 2v2 carry service suits everyone who wants to have an unforgettable experience of PvP battles in WoW Dragonflight.

So why wait? Sign up for Arena 2v2 Carry today and take the first step toward becoming the PvP champion you were always want to be!
