Coppers the Kobold - Fresh Merchant Companion in The War Within

June 30, 2024 3 minutes

Welcome to another exciting post from WowCarry, where we delve into the fascinating world of "The War Within Beta" and its latest offerings! One of the standout features added recently is a unique new companion, Coppers the Kobold. Although Coppers might not engage in battles, its role as a vendor and repair NPC makes it invaluable for adventurers. Let's explore how to acquire this non-combat pet and uncover the rewards along the way.

Discovering Coppers the Kobold

Coppers the Kobold is not your everyday pet; it’s a utility-rich NPC that players can use for selling items and repairing gear right from within the game’s scenic landscapes. To welcome Coppers into your adventure group, you need to immerse yourself in the culture of the Kobolds—specifically their obsession with Wax!

  • Step into the Role of a Kobold

The journey begins with aligning yourself with The Assembly of the Deeps. Attaining Renown Level 2 with them unlocks the "Every Day I'm Snuffling I" trait. This notable trait is your gateway to interact with Disturbed Earth sites scattered across Khaz Algar.

  • Engage with Disturbed Earth

These intriguing piles of treasure-laden earth are not just piles of dirt; they are event hubs! Each interaction can trigger a variety of outcomes, from spawning mobs to uncovering rare treasures, or even finding a mound of coveted wax. The key item you are after here is the Odd Glob of Wax.

Location Event Type Possible Reward
Ringing Deeps Mob Spawn/Rare Find/Wax Mound Odd Glob of Wax

Turning Wax into Treasure

Collecting the Odd Glob of Wax is just the beginning of your quest. Bringing these globs to Middles in Gundargaz, located in the Ringing Deeps, is your next step. Here, you can contribute your wax in batches of five.

  • Contribution and Rewards

There are two progress bars at Middles: one tracks the contributions made by all players on the server, and another tracks your individual contributions. After you have made ten contributions, totaling 50 Odd Glob of Wax, the NPC Gnawbles offers the quest "Thanks for the Wax".

  • Acquiring Firelight Rubies

Completing Gnawbles' quest rewards you with a Firelight Ruby. This special currency is key to unlocking various items sold by another NPC named Scritchscratch, who stands close to Middles and Gnawbles. Scritchscratch offers valuable items, including gold bundles, professional materials, and The War Within currency. However, the prime item to purchase with your Firelight Ruby is none other than Coppers the Kobold.

Vendor Item Cost (in Firelight Ruby)
Scritchscratch Gold bundle, profession materials, The War Within currency, Coppers the Kobold 1

Final Thoughts

Though initially, Coppers the Kobold might not seem like the most exciting pet due to its non-combat functionalities, its role goes beyond typical pet interactions. As a reliable vendor and gear repair NPC, Coppers ensures that your adventure never gets interrupted by damaged equipment. This makes Coppers not just a pet, but a critical companion on your journey. Remember, in the treacherous terrains of Khaz Algar, who really needs a Yak when you've got Coppers the Kobold by your side? Join WowCarry on an unforgettable adventure throughout the new expansion.

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