Class Balance Principles in Season of Discovery - Comparing Damage Output to Utility

June 26, 2024 3 minutes

As we edge closer to Phase 4 in the Season of Discovery for World of Warcraft, the balancing of classes has sparked considerable discussion within the gaming community. This conversation often revolves around the assorted utilities different classes offer and how they rank in terms of damage output. Specifically, hybrid classes such as Druids and Priests, which historically have lower damage metrics compared to pure DPS classes like Hunters, are at the core of these discussions. With these ongoing debates, the dynamic of playing multi-role versus dedicated DPS classes continues to be a focal point.

Understanding Class Utility vs. Damage Output

In WoW's complex ecosystem, certain classes provide extensive utility that can often overshadow their damage capabilities. For example, abilities like Vampiric Touch and Curse of the Elements offer strategic advantages that contribute more than just raw damage to a group's success. The trade-off between being a utility provider and a top damage dealer is a delicate balance that the game's developers, led by Josh Greenfield (Aggrend), continuously evaluate.

  • Developer Insights on Class Balancing

Content creator NoHitJerome recently posed a poignant question to Aggrend about how they approach balancing utility with DPS. Aggrend explained that balancing these aspects involves considering both the individual utility of the classes and the broader impact on group dynamics. He highlighted that while classes with significant utility might not always top the damage charts, their roles are crucial for overall group functionality.

  • Community and Developer Challenges

Aggrend admits that integrating utility into the damage output equation is contentious. While some players cherish the versatility of hybrid classes, others prefer to focus on achieving the highest possible DPS. This diversity in player expectations makes class balancing a challenging task for the developers, who must cater to a wide range of preferences within the community.

Specific Class Discussions

  • Priests and Their Dual Roles

Priests, especially those specializing in the Shadow role, have often felt underpowered in direct DPS comparison to pure DPS classes. Despite this, their utility in groups can be indispensable. The ongoing discussions and developments primarily aim at making the Shadow Priest gameplay more engaging and viable without necessarily boosting their damage output significantly.

  • The Case of Shamans

Shamans have been noted for their substantial utility coupled with competitive DPS. Aggrend mentioned that they have perhaps been overly lenient in allowing Shamans to excel, suggesting a more cautious approach might be adopted in the future.

Phase 3 DPS Rankings and Player Reactions

The DPS rankings from Phase 3's Sunken Temple week 12 illustrate the ongoing challenges in balancing. Here, we see how different classes perform in a controlled environment, shedding light on the effectiveness of the current balance strategies.

Rank Class Damage Output
1 Shaman High
2 Hunter Very High
3 Druid Medium
4 Priest (Shadow) Low

This table showcases a snippet of how utility and DPS weigh against each other in actual gameplay scenarios. Notably, Shamans and Hunters appear at the top, enjoying both high utility and damage, in contrast to Shadow Priests who languish at the lower end despite their valuable group roles.


The balance between utility and damage output remains a complex aspect of class design in World of Warcraft. As we approach Phase 4 of the Season of Discovery, it will be interesting to see how the developers address these issues based on community feedback and their own assessments.

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