Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR Update Notes - Adjustments for Warriors

June 29, 2024 2 minutes

Welcome to this comprehensive update on the latest enhancements slated for Warrior Runes in the upcoming Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR. As dedicated followers of the dynamic world within the game, you'll be excited to delve into the nuances of these tailored adjustments aimed to optimize your combat effectiveness and strategic prowess as a Warrior. From empowering specific abilities to refining cooldowns, let’s explore the updates that are setting the stage for a more engaging battlefield experience.

Major Adjustments to Warrior Runes

Blizzard is rolling out critical updates to several Warrior abilities that are essential to gameplay. These changes are designed to improve the functionality and synergy of core skills, ensuring Warriors have the tools necessary for peak performance during battles.

  • Raging Blow Enhancement

The skill Raging Blow is seeing significant enhancements. Its damage output is now doubled, dealing 100% of weapon damage. Moreover, when used in conjunction with another melee ability while in an Enraged state, its cooldown is reduced by one second. This adjustment not only amplifies its damage potential but also encourages more dynamic combat rotations.

  • Refinement of Consumed By Rage

Consumed By Rage now incorporates a powerful effect wherein a whirlwind strike is executed with both equipped weapons while Enraged. This enhancement solidifies its role, offering Warriors a robust dual-wielding capability that previously felt underutilized.

  • Upgrades to Blood Surge

Similarly, Blood Surge has been reworked to allow Slam to hit opponents with both weapons held. This change pivots Blood Surge from its former similarity to Precise Timing, assigning it a distinctive identity within the Warrior's arsenal.

  • Relocation of Endless Rage

An exciting strategic change comes with the relocation of the EndonelessRage rune to the head slot. Traditionally competing in a crowded space, its new positioning alleviates this challenge, enhancing Fury DPS Warriors' options. This move is expected to drastically increase resource generation and button-pressing efficiency, a boon particularly when world buffs are absent.


The Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR promises to breathe new life into the Warrior class with these strategic updates. By retooling the functionality and synergy of key abilities and runes, Warriors are set to enjoy a more compelling and effective battlefield presence. These improvements underscore Blizzard’s commitment to providing a balanced and engaging gameplay experience for all Warrior enthusiasts.

Stay tuned for additional updates and get ready to explore these enhancements firsthand. Whether you’re charging into the fray or strategizing your next move, these updates are sure to provide the tools necessary for victory. Engage, evolve, and conquer!

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