Dalaran Following the Early Events of the War Within

June 05, 2024 3 minutes

Welcome to an in-depth exploration of the catastrophic events and the current state of affairs following the second destruction of Dalaran in The War Within. Today, we delve into the aftermath of this monumental disaster, examining the fate of the city, its inhabitants, and the scattered survivors who continue to grapple with the consequences. We'll travel from the devastated Isle of Dorn to the ongoing struggles at Azj-Kahet to bring to light the resilience and ongoing challenges faced by the denizens of this magical world. Let's uncover the stories of survival, defiance, and the unknown future that lies ahead.

Devastation at Isle of Dorn

The once magnificent city of Dalaran now lies in ruins at the Tranquil Shore on the Isle of Dorn. The landscape bears the scars of the calamity, strewn with debris that once formed the bustling metropolis. Notably, fragments of the Demon Hunter Order Hall entrance and sewer covers are visible among the wreckage. As one wanders through the wreckage, they encounter elemental shards that strangely patrol the area, adding a surreal aspect to the destruction.

Various NPCs, including sewer turtles and rats, roam amidst the ruins, some still offering interactions to the passing adventurers. In an ironic twist of fate, some prisoners from the Violet Hold remain confined, their prison undestroyed by the city's fall. It appears that not even such complete destruction can free them from their eternal captivity.

Survivors and Prisoners

  • Refugees at Dornogal

Flying over to Dornogal reveals a group of survivors from the disaster. Many are mages associated with the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers, seeking temporary refuge in this somewhat safer location. Alongside them are rogues from Dalaran's Hall of Shadows, now displaced but resilient in the face of adversity.

  • Escapees from Azj-Kahet

In the wake of the assault on Dalaran led by Xal'atath and the nerubian forces, numerous well-known NPCs including Breanni and Jepetto Joybuzz were captured. However, not all hope was lost; some managed to escape their captors and sought refuge at Faerin's Advance, led by Faerin Lothar of the Arathi.

The Azj-Kahet leveling storyline offers a glimpse into ongoing efforts spearheaded by Flynn Fairwind to rescue remaining Dalaran citizens. Despite their harrowing experiences, rescued individuals do not head to Faerin’s Advance but are instead sheltered at the Weaver's Lair where they contribute to the resistance against Queen Ansurek’s forces.

  • Noteworthy Survivors

Among the scattered tales of survival, 'Dog', the beloved Dalaran pet, miraculously survived and has been transformed into a Companion pet, although his exact acquisition remains a mystery likely to be revealed in future updates.

Conversely, uncertainty clouds the fate of Archmage Khadgar. Rumors of his demise during Xal'atath’s attack prevail, yet without confirmation, his fate remains one of the most poignant mysteries in the aftermath of the tragedy.


The second destruction of Dalaran has left a lasting impact on the World of Warcraft universe, unravelling new challenges and tales of resilience. As we continue to explore the evolving narrative and await further developments, the spirit of Dalaran's citizens remains unbroken, reflecting the enduring allure and depth of this epic saga. Stay tuned for more updates and deep dives into the lore of Azeroth.

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