New Tarot Card Designs Revealed for World of Warcraft: The Official Tarot Deck and Guidebook Pre-Order

June 28, 2024 2 minutes

Welcome to a magical fusion of tarot and the fantastical world of Azeroth. We are thrilled to announce that the pre-order for the "World of Warcraft: The Official Tarot Deck and Guidebook" is now live, showcasing a beguiling collection of tarot cards embellished with the legendary figures and mystical locales of the World of Warcraft universe. Crafted for fans and tarot enthusiasts alike, this deck promises a unique journey through the lore of a beloved online realm. Let's dive deeper into what this enchanting deck has to offer.

Discover the Magic of Azeroth

  • Introduction to the Deck

The "World of Warcraft: The Official Tarot Deck and Guidebook" is not merely a set of tarot cards but a portal into the epic narratives that have shaped the World of Warcraft experience. Dewed for public release on November 5th, enthusiasts can secure their copy via Amazon for $27.99 USD. This collector's item integrates the rich tapestry of Azeroth's history with the traditional practice of tarot reading.

  • Features of the Tarot Deck

The deck includes 78 intricately designed cards that offer a fresh take on the conventional Major and Minor Arcana, infusing each card with the essence of World of Warcraft's most iconic characters and scenes. Accompanying the cards is a 128-page guidebook that provides insights into the artwork and detailed explanations of each card's significance within tarot practices. This set is not only a tool for divination but also a piece of art offering a new perspective on the stories and characters that fans have cherished over the years.Exclusive Pre-Order Details

Item Description Price Availability
Official Tarot Deck & Guidebook 78 cards, 128-page booklet, collector's box $27.99 USD Pre-order on Amazon

  • Why Pre-Order?

Pre-ordering the Official Tarot Deck & Guidebook ensures that you are among the first to explore this unique melding of game lore with tarot tradition. Moreover, a portion of the sales through Amazon supports the ongoing operations of platforms like Wowhead, which continuously provides updates and insights into the world of WoW.

Final Thoughts

The "World of Warcraft: The Official Tarot Deck and Guidebook" is more than just a collection of cards. It is a doorway to deeper understanding and appreciation of both the World of Warcraft universe and the practice of tarot reading. Packtaed in a luxurious gift box, this tarot deck is the ideal gift for anyone who cherishes the lore of Azeroth and seeks to explore paths of divination. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or a newcomer, this guidebook will assist you in conducting insightful and entertaining readings while immersing you in the magical world of WoW.

This enchanting blog post comes to you courtesy of WowCarry, an official partner in your World of Warcraft adventures.

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