Data Analysis Reveals Legendary Upgrades Not Receiving Discounts

May 01, 2024 4 minutes

Hey there, fellow gamers! Today we have some exciting news for all of you who have been eagerly awaiting the ability to upgrade your Legendaries in the game. In our latest round of datamining, we've uncovered some interesting details about what might happen when Legendaries are finally eligible for upgrades. However, it's important to note that this information is based on datamining and may not be entirely accurate. But hey, it's always good to be prepared, right? So let's dive in!

Discounts Not Being Applied to Legendary Upgrades

One of the findings from our datamining adventure is that there are currently some bugs preventing discounts from being applied to Legendary upgrades. For instance, it appears that the global 50% Flightstone discount that was available for other items doesn't apply to Legendaries like Fyr'alath the Dreamrender or Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy. However, we're happy to inform you that this issue has been addressed with a recent hotfix as of 10:00 PDT. So, fear not fellow adventurers, the discount should now be correctly applied when you're finally able to upgrade your Legendaries!

In addition to the Flightstone discount, there is also a 100% crest discount available if you have a higher item level weapon on your character. Unfortunately, according to our datamining findings, this discount is not being applied to Legendary weapons yet. But don't worry, we've got more details about this, so keep reading!

Legendary Upgrading Datamining

We've discovered some intriguing information regarding the Bullion'ed Awakened Items, which seem to be related to Legendary upgrades. In our datamining efforts, we came across three specific spells in the database that are linked to these items:

  • ID: 360 - 12-rank Awakened Bullion items
  • ID: 382 - 14-rank Awakened Bullion items
  • ID: 405 - 14-rank Legendary items

These spells and items may hold the key to unlocking the true potential of your Legendaries once they become upgradable. Keep an eye out for further updates and patch notes to find out more!

Global 50% Flightstone Discount

Speaking of Flightstone discounts, we have an important update for you. Until recently, the 50% Flightstone discount was only applied to items with the IDs 360 and 382. This meant that even if you were able to upgrade your Legendary yesterday, you would have had to pay the full Flightstone cost for it. However, we're pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved and the discount should now be correctly applied to Legendary upgrades as well. Hooray for saving some Flightstones!

Crest and Flightstone Discount

Now, let's talk about the crest and Flightstone discounts in a bit more detail. As mentioned earlier, our datamining efforts have revealed that these discounts are not currently being applied to Legendary weapons. But why is that?

In the database, there is a field called ItemGroupIlvlScalingID, which controls the discount for having a higher item level weapon on your account or on your character. This field sets the scaling ID for different currencies, such as Flightstones and Crests, and determines the cost scaling modifier for each currency. Typically, having a higher item level piece on your account results in a 50% cost reduction for Flightstones, while having a higher item level piece on your character results in a 100% cost reduction for Crests.

However, when we analyzed the data for the Legendary item with ID 405, we noticed that it lacks an ItemGroupIlvlScalingID entry. This suggests that Legendary upgrades might cost the full amount of Flightstones and Crests, regardless of whether you already possess a higher item level weapon on your account. While we cannot be 100% certain about this, it's advisable to check and ensure that at least the Crest discounts are being applied for levels you have already obtained once the ability to upgrade Legendaries becomes available.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, based on our datamining findings, it appears that some discounts are not currently being applied to Legendary upgrades. However, we have good news! The global 50% Flightstone discount should now be correctly applied to Legendary upgrades with the recent hotfix. So start saving those Flightstones, adventurers!

As always, we'll keep you updated on any further developments and changes in the world of Legendary upgrades. Stay tuned and happy gaming!

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