Exploring The Stonevault: A Preview of The War Within Dungeon

June 24, 2024 3 minutes

Welcome to an exciting exploration into "The Stonevault," a thrilling new dungeon introduced in the latest "War Within Expansion." Hidden deep within the enigmatic depths of The Ringing Deeps, this ancient facility is maintained by the Machine Speakers near their enigmatic Hall of Awakening. The place resonates with tales of betrayal and corruption, following the deposition of High Speaker Eirich who succumbed to the malignant embrace of Void corruption. Dive into a realm where loyalty battles chaos, where machinations behind the seen veil threaten to upturn the natural order unless swiftly countered. Join us, courtesy of WowCarry, as we delve into the secrets and challenges that The Stonevault holds.

The Mysterious Stonevault Environment

In the umbra of The Ringing Deeps lies The Stonevault, a place echoing the ancient vibrations of power and despair. Once harmonious and upheld by the revered High Speaker EirEich, it now stands a testament to his fallen grace. The labyrinthine Stonevault, weaved with Titan tunnels, now shelters the corrupted Eirich, guarded by his fanatical and most loyal acolytes. A profound transformation has twisted him, haunting the halls with the malevolent shadows of Void energy. The urgency to restrain his potential resurgence is imperative for warding off a dark future.

The Adversaries Within The Stonevault

  • E.D.N.A. - Earthen Defense and Neutralization Automaton

Difficulty Abilities Loot
Normal Engages defense protocols, primarily targeting Skardyn Earthen Nullification Aegis, “Emergency Stop” Keychain
Heroic Increased aggression and enhanced defensive mechanisms Reinforced Anti-Intruder Chainmail, Augmented Refractor Cannon

Employing a slew of sophisticated combat mechanisms, E.D.N.A. stands as a formidable guardian against intruders. It leverages a powerful array of attacks like the scorching Refracting Beam and the ground-shattering Earth Shatterer to neutralize any threats.

  • Skarmorak - The Corrupted Golem

A grim experiment gone awry has birthed Skarmorak, a behemoth tinged with Skardyn corruption. This entity, equipped with crystal-derived power, is relentless in its pursuit to obliterate intruders, dictated by a deeply ingrained hatred for all forms of life.

  • Crystalline Smash: Devastates targets with massive shards, splintering upon impact.
  • Unstable Crash: Launches volatile void energy at unsuspecting adventurers.
  • Void Empowerment: Empowers Skarmorak, increasing its damage resilience and offensive potency.

  • Forge Speakers: Brokk and Dorlita

Tasked with maintaining and defending their forge, Brokk and Dorlita synergize their abilities to repel invaders. Their battlefield is a cacophony of metal and flame, where molten projectiles and scorching vents form a deadly chorus against their foes.

  • Scrap Song and Deconstruction
  • : A punishing combo that manipulates scrap metal to inflict fiery havoc.
  • Molten Metal: Scalds the battlefield, hindering movement with excruciating burns.
  • Lava Expulsion: Dorlita’s deadly aim with lava orbs can decimate even the most seasoned adventurers.


The Stonevault beckons with its ancient echoes and contemporary crises, merging history with the imminent threat of corrupted power. As adventurers prepare to confront the chaos within, it becomes clear that every room and corridor in this dungeon is a test of might, wit, and resolve. Eirich’s tyrannical reign must be ended to restore balance. We at WowCarry hope this guide empowers you to brave The Stonevault confidently, ensuring you excel in every battle and mystery you encounter. Check out how WowCarry can help you with War Within content.

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