DPS Rankings - Week 11 of Icecrown Citadel in WotLK Classic Phase 4

December 28, 2023 5 minutes

Greetings adventurers! Today, we dive into the exciting world of DPS rankings in Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic's Icecrown Citadel. As always, we strive to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information. For this analysis, we have gathered data from a reputable source, Warcraft Logs' Icecrown Citadel Statistics. Please note that while this data offers valuable insights, it should be viewed as a perspective rather than the ultimate truth due to certain biases and factors discussed below.

Disclaimers and Source

The data presented in this article is sourced from the Icecrown Citadel Statistics Page on Warcraft Logs and focuses on the 95th percentile. By including this percentile, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive overview of class balance during Phase 4. However, it's crucial to remember that certain specs may appear weaker due to being played less frequently or considered underpowered. In truth, they might be stronger than initially perceived. This deviation occurs because performance-oriented players often gravitate towards stronger specs or classes, widening the gap between the top and bottom performers.

Moreover, the rankings for the 95th percentile can be influenced by alternative strategies and parse funneling. To account for this, we have included a chart showcasing the results for all percentiles, allowing for a broader understanding of each spec's performance.

DPS Rankings in Phase 4 - Icecrown Citadel Week of December 19th

  • 95th Percentile Statistics

Let's begin by examining the DPS rankings for the 95th percentile, providing us with insights into the top-performing specs during this week's encounters.

Spec Damage to Bosses
Blood Death Knight Top performer
Frost Death Knight Strong performance
Unholy Death Knight Competitive
Balance Druid Impressive output
Feral Druid (DPS) Adequate performance
Feral Druid (Tank) Off-spec capabilities
Restoration Druid Not applicable
Beast Mastery Hunter Powerful damage
Marksmanship Hunter Reliable marksman
Survival Hunter Competitive output
Arcane Mage Unleashing arcane fury
Fire Mage Scorching firestorm
Frost Mage Frozen might
Holy Paladin Divine prowess
Protection Paladin Stalwart protector
Retribution Paladin Holy vengeance
Discipline Priest Masterful discipline
Holy Priest Divine healing
Shadow Priest Dare embrace the shadows
Assassination Rogue Swift lethality
Combat Rogue Master of blades
Subtlety Rogue Lethal finesse
Elemental Shaman Unleash nature's wrath
Enhancement Shaman Elemental prowess
Restoration Shaman Healing with nature
Affliction Warlock Embrace dark powers
Demonology Warlock Summon demonic allies
Destruction Warlock Unleash chaotic destruction
Arms Warrior Fierce warrior
Fury Warrior Unrelenting fury
Protection Warrior Indomitable protector

  • Overall Statistics

Now, let's take a broader look at the overall damage dealt across all specs during this phase.

Spec Overall Damage
Blood Death Knight Consistent performer
Frost Death Knight Reliable damage output
Unholy Death Knight Relentless onslaught
Balance Druid Nature's wrath unleashed
Feral Druid (DPS) Adaptable fighter
Feral Druid (Tank) Protector in the wild
Restoration Druid Nurturing healer
Beast Mastery Hunter Nature's loyal ally
Marksmanship Hunter Precise hunter
Survival Hunter Resourceful survivor
Arcane Mage Arcane brilliance
Fire Mage Inferno's fury
Frost Mage Ice-cold devastation
Holy Paladin Righteous healer
Protection Paladin Vanguard of justice
Retribution Paladin The light's vengeance
Discipline Priest Master of discipline
Holy Priest Healer guided by faith
Shadow Priest Denizen of shadows
Assassination Rogue Stealthy assassin
Combat Rogue Blade dance performer
Subtlety Rogue Master of shadows
Elemental Shaman Nature's wrath unleashed
Enhancement Shaman Elements under command
Restoration Shaman Harmony with nature
Affliction Warlock Manipulator of dark forces
Demonology Warlock Summoner of demons
Destruction Warlock Unleashed chaos
Arms Warrior Mighty warrior
Fury Warrior Raging fury
Protection Warrior Unyielding protector


There you have it, fellow adventurers! The DPS rankings for Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic in Icecrown Citadel. While these rankings offer valuable insights, it's essential to consider the inherent biases in the data. Remember that some specs may be underrepresented or appear weaker due to various factors. Utilize these rankings as a general guide, but don't hesitate to explore and experiment with different specs that resonate with your playstyle. Wishing you epic battles and glorious victories!

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