Wrath Classic 3.4.3 Patch Notes - WotLK Retro Enhancement

October 09, 2023 5 minutes

Written by WowCarry

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 4: "Fall of the Lich King" Overview

The highly anticipated Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is set to launch on October 10th, bringing with it the "Fall of the Lich King" event. On October 12th at 3:00 PM PT, the doors of Icecrown Citadel will finally open, allowing players to face the fearsome Lich King and his runeblade, Frostmourne. This long-awaited content update is sure to bring new challenges and excitement to Azeroth's heroes.

Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Throne

Icecrown Citadel, the final major raid in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, will feature twelve bosses spread across five different wings. Azeroth's mightiest champions will need to overcome terrifying challenges before they can ascend to the Frozen Throne and face the Lich King himself. Similar to the Trial of the Grand Crusader, the Heroic mode of Icecrown Citadel allows for a finite number of 50 attempts per week. Unlike previous raids, there are no restrictions or gating to prevent access to later wings—all wings will be fully unlocked at launch.

New Dungeons: The Frozen Halls

In addition to Icecrown Citadel, players can also explore three new five-player dungeons in the Icecrown Citadel region. Journey through the Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron, and Halls of Reflection as you follow the lead of either Jaina Proudmoore or Sylvanas Windrunner into the heart of the Lich King's domain. These dungeons do not have Heroic difficulty adjustments, but they do provide additional rewards from the Titan Rune Dungeons: Defense Protocol Gamma.

  • Titan Rune Dungeons: Defense Protocol Gamma

A new difficulty level, Defense Protocol Gamma, has been introduced for Titan Rune Dungeons. Players can access this mode through the Random Dungeon Finder or by manually traveling to the designated dungeons and activating a mysterious device. In Defense Protocol Gamma dungeons, creatures have increased damage and health. To assist players in their battles, a Warden of the Sunreaver or the Silver Covenant will offer additional beneficial buffs upon entering the dungeon. Defeating bosses in Defense Protocol Gamma dungeons will reward players with a Defiler's Scourgestone currency, which can be used to purchase item level 245 rewards from vendors in Dalaran.

  • Shadowmourne Legendary Quest

The legendary questline for Shadowmourne has been adjusted to allow more players to enjoy this prestigious weapon. Shadowfrost Shards no longer require the completion of "The Splintered Throne" quest for drops. The drop rates of Shadowfrost Shards in 25-player Normal difficulty have been adjusted to match those of 25-player Heroic difficulty. Additionally, the end bosses of each wing in Icecrown Citadel will always drop a guaranteed Shadowfrost Shard on both difficulty modes. The availability of Primordial Saronite has been expanded to include purchase from the Emblem of Frost vendor and acquisition in Titan Rune Dungeon: Gamma Protocol dungeons.

New Collections User Interface

To make managing your Pets, Mounts, Toys, and Heirloom items more convenient, a new collections interface has been added to Wrath of the Lich King Classic. This interface gathers all these items into one place and most of them are now account-wide. Please note that to access your heirlooms in the collections UI, you will need to log into the characters that possess those heirloom items.

Mount Adjustments

In response to player feedback, mount speed and ability will now scale with player riding skill. Additionally, flying mounts can now be used as ground mounts in areas where flying is restricted, excluding places like Dalaran and Wintergrasp.

Class Adjustments

  • Druid/Priest/Shaman

The Wild Growth, Circle of Healing, Ancestral Healing, and Divine Hymn spells have been adjusted to prioritize healing on players over pets and guardians.

  • Hunter

A new skill, Trap Launcher: Explosive Trap, has been added for Hunters. This skill, available to all Hunter specs, can be trained at any Hunter class trainer. It cannot be used in PvP Arenas or Battlegrounds. This adjustment aims to enhance the positioning of traps in PvE content to provide more consistent damage for Hunters in a raid environment.

  • Warlock

Several adjustments have been made to improve the experience of Warlock players pursuing the Demonic Pact. The internal cooldown of Demonic Pact has been reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second. Additionally, Demonic Pact will always be 10% of the Warlock's spell power. The cooldown of Summon Infernal will now reset on encounter end events, similar to other long cooldowns in Wrath Classic.

Quest Updates

A new Quest Tracking feature has been implemented, allowing players to easily locate and track their quest objectives on the map. Simply open your quest log or map to access this feature and toggle it on or off as needed. In addition, daily quest updates have been made, including changes to the daily quests offered by Archmage Lan'dalock and Archmage Timear.

Bug Fixes and Adjustments

As with any update, various bug fixes and adjustments have been implemented for a smoother gameplay experience. Some notable fixes include the adjustment of drop rates for certain items, fixes to class abilities and spells, improvements to mount mechanics, and fixes for quest-related issues. These changes aim to address community feedback and improve overall game performance.


The Phase 4 update for Wrath of the Lich King Classic brings exciting new content, including the opening of Icecrown Citadel and the introduction of the Shadowmourne legendary questline. With new dungeons, class adjustments, and bug fixes, players can look forward to a fresh and improved gameplay experience. So gear up, gather your allies, and prepare to face the wrath of the Lich King!

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