Wrath of the Lich King Classic 3.4.3 PTR Patch Notes - Development Update 9/21

September 22, 2023 4 minutes

Blizzard has recently made some exciting updates to the Wrath Classic PTR, bringing new content and rewards for players. One of the major additions is the introduction of a new pet named "Arfus," which can be obtained by completing every dungeon on Defense Protocol Gamma. This adorable ghostly pup is a special reward for a meta achievement that includes clearing all the defense protocol gamma dungeons. The WoW Classic Development Team has expressed their gratitude to the players by adding this new pet, which holds a special place in the hearts of the team members. As a thank you to the players, they wanted to share their love for Arfus by creating a model for him and adding him into Wrath Classic. Although the visual and auditory details of Arfus are not yet complete in the current build, the team ensures that the final version will be included in the next PTR build.

Wrath Classic Loot and Rewards

In addition to the new pet, Blizzard has also added Hardmore 25 Player Ulduar loot to the vendor. Players can now obtain trinkets, rings, necklaces, and cloaks from the Deflier's Scourgestone vendors in Dalaran. Each piece of loot costs 60 Defiler's Scourgestones. This is a great opportunity for players to enhance their gear and improve their character's stats.

Titan Rune Dungeons - Defense Protocol Gamma Adjustments

The developers have introduced achievements for each defense protocol gamma dungeon, including a special meta achievement for completing all of them. This meta achievement is rewarded with the adorable ghostly pup, Arfus. Players are encouraged to embark on a journey to conquer these dungeons and unlock this special reward. The meta achievement showcases the team's commitment to providing engaging and challenging content for the players to enjoy.

  • Adjustments to The Oculus

The Oculus, one of the popular dungeons in Wrath Classic, has received some adjustments to increase the scaling and damage output of the drakes. This change ensures a better alignment with the difficulty levels of the dungeon. Moreover, new rewards have been added to enhance the gameplay experience. The final chest of Gamma now drops 2 additional Defiler's Scourgestone, while other heroic difficulties drop 3 more Emblems of Triumph. Additionally, players can now obtain the Reins of the Blue Drake in all versions of Oculus via Random Dungeon Finder.

PTR Bug Fixes and Adjustments

Blizzard has addressed several issues and made important fixes and adjustments based on player feedback. The burning Crusade Heroics should now be accessible for players, and the minimaps in certain areas of the Caverns of Time and Old Hillsbrad Foothills have been fixed. Rogues will no longer experience issues with deep wounds and similar DoT effects not ticking when in stealth. Additionally, multiple interface errors in the Random Dungeon Finder and Premade Group Finder have been resolved, improving the overall user experience.

Additional Changes and Requirements

Blizzard has made tweaks and added some requirements to ensure a balanced and fair gameplay experience. Characters created after the updates will now start with 150 riding skill, which is a positive change for new players. The premade group finder has also been updated to include a Lich King Raids heroic difficulties option. Players can now search for specific raid sizes or difficulties when looking for activities in the Dungeons and Raids section of the premade group finder. Various adjustments have been made to the order in which the activities are listed, and lower level dungeons can no longer be queued into after outleveling them. Finally, the Kalu'ak Tribe Exalted reputation reward, Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, now has a level 80 requirement.


Blizzard continues to provide a rich and immersive gaming experience for WoW Classic players with these new updates. The addition of Arfus as a new pet and the availability of Hardmore 25 Player Ulduar loot offer exciting rewards for dedicated players. The adjustments to the defense protocol gamma dungeons and The Oculus ensure a more balanced and challenging gameplay experience. With bug fixes and interface improvements, Blizzard is committed to delivering a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience for all players. So gear up, gather your companions, and embark on new adventures in the world of Wrath of the Lich King Classic!

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