Diablo 4 Gauntlet and Leaderboard Announcement - Eternal Glory Awaits

February 29, 2024 4 minutes

Blizzard's highly anticipated new update, The Gauntlet, is set to release on March 5th! This thrilling challenge invites players to prove their worth and fight their way to the top of the Leaderboards. Are you ready to dominate the competition and carve your place in history? WowCarry presents an in-depth look at what you can expect from this exciting new addition.

Test Your Prowess in The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet is a fixed non-linear dungeon that will be available to all classes in the Seasonal Realm. Once you reach World Tier IV, you can access the Gauntlet by traveling to the southwestern port in Gea Kul and activating the formidable Horn of Trials. However, be prepared for a challenge, as monster levels will surpass level 100. Characters that have reached Level 100 will have the best chance of success in this high-stakes dungeon.

This endgame dungeon offers an 8-minute time limit, during which you must earn as many Proofs of Might as possible. Your score is based on the number of Proofs you earn from killing monsters and opening chests. The dungeon layout remains the same throughout the week, giving you the opportunity to devise the most efficient strategy to maximize your score and progress.

The Gauntlet resets every Tuesday, with a completely new layout emerging. Strive for your personal best and give it your all before the next Gauntlet begins.

Prove Your Might

In the Gauntlet, Proofs of Might are key to increasing your score. These proofs can be earned by killing monsters and opening chests. Pillars within the dungeon can increase the number of Proofs you earn, either through score multipliers or respawning defeated monsters. Shrines, on the other hand, offer various effects and can be activated after defeating a boss.

Combining ferocity, efficiency, and strategy will be essential to mastering the Gauntlet. Since the dungeon layout remains the same each week, it's crucial to experiment with different routes and adjust your build to achieve optimal performance.

Respawning upon death is possible in the Gauntlet, but keep in mind that you will lose a third of your score each time you perish. However, you can recover all your lost Proofs of Might at the location of your last death when returning to the dungeon.

Seal Your Legend

As your score increases, you'll rise through the ranks and earn Seals, marking your prowess in the Gauntlet for that week. There are four ranks of Seals to strive for, starting with the Seal of the Blooded and culminating in the prestigious Seal of the Worthy. The score required to earn each Seal will vary based on the layout of the Gauntlet and the class you're playing.

Seals scale with party size, meaning larger groups will have an easier time achieving higher scores. The highest-ranked players will earn a place on the Ladder Leaderboard, where their accomplishments will be recognized and celebrated.

Caches to Plunder

In your quest for Proofs of Might, you'll also be rewarded with loot. After each run in the Gauntlet, you'll receive a minor cache regardless of whether you've earned a Seal or not.

Upon the weekly reset, you'll earn Caches of Trials based on your best score. The higher your score, the better the Cache you'll receive. Each Cache of Trials guarantees one Ancestral Legendary item, with higher-ranked Caches offering more powerful rewards. Those who earn the Seal of the Worthy will be granted the most coveted treasures, as items with level 925 power will drop exclusively for them.

Earning a Seal of a higher rank also grants you the rewards of the lower-ranked Seals. Multiple Seals can be earned for the various Gauntlet ladders available.

Leaderboards & Hall of the Ancients

The Gauntlet offers multiple Leaderboards to showcase your achievements. They are separated into Ladders based on class, party size, normal, and hardcore playstyles. You can even filter the Leaderboards to compete against friends and clan members, adding a friendly rivalry to the mix.

For those seeking true glory, reaching the Top 100 of any ladder will earn you a prestigious Conqueror's Crest Mount Trophy. But if you can make it into the Top 10 of any leaderboard, your name and character will be immortalized in the permanent Hall of the Ancients, where future adventurers can marvel at your legendary performance.

While the Gauntlet contest will launch shortly after the release of the update, Blizzard will first ensure that the challenge is balanced and fine-tuned based on player feedback. Expect more details about the contest to be announced soon!

Get ready to test your skills in Diablo 4 and rise to the top when The Gauntlet goes live on March 5th. Will you be among the elite few who can conquer the trials and master this ultimate challenge?

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