Diablo 4 Introduces New Training Dummy - Concerns Arise with Necromancer and Druid Summons

October 31, 2023 3 minutes

Hey there, fellow gamers! WowCarry here with some exciting news about the latest patch for our favorite game. Patch 1.2.1 has finally arrived and it brings with it a bunch of highly requested features that will definitely enhance our gaming experience. One of the most anticipated additions is the introduction of Paragon Resets and the Training Dummy. However, it seems like there are a few issues with the dummy specifically for our beloved Necromancer and Druid classes. But fret not, let's dive deeper into the details and find out what's in store for us!

Introducing the Training Grounds

A brand new location called The Training Grounds has been added to the game. You can find this exciting addition in the enchanting world of Kyovash, just past the World Tier Statue on the right side of the stairs that lead towards the majestic Cathedral of Light. As you enter, you'll come across a conveniently placed stash, allowing you to easily access your items and prepare for battle. But the real gem lies beside it - an interactable statue that offers multiple options for your training sessions.

Here's the best part - you can actually customize your training experience! The statue lets you choose between three different enemy types: Normal, Elite, or Boss. Not only that, but you can also decide whether you want to face just one target or challenge yourself by going up against a group of five targets. Imagine the thrill of smashing five Boss targets at once! The Training Grounds truly test your skills and push you to your limits.

Troublesome Training for Necromancers and Druids

Now, unfortunately, it seems there are a few hiccups in the system for Necromancers and Druids when it comes to utilizing the Training Dummy effectively. As of now, the minions summoned by Necromancers are not attacking the dummies as intended. This poses a bit of a problem for our summoner heroes who rely on their minions' prowess in battle. Additionally, Necromancers are also unable to spawn corpses during their training sessions, further limiting their options for testing different strategies and builds.

Druids, on the other hand, are facing similar issues. Their loyal Companions seem to have a mind of their own when it comes to the Training Dummies. Instead of attacking, they choose to sit idle, oblivious to the training session happening around them. This particular setback makes it nearly impossible for Summoner Druids to properly gauge the performance of their builds within the safe confines of town.

These issues are frustrating, especially for players who have invested time and effort into perfecting their Necromancer and Druid characters. However, we remain optimistic that the developers are aware of these problems and are working tirelessly to address them. After all, nothing is more important to a successful gaming experience than a balanced and bug-free environment.


Despite the setbacks faced by Necromancers and Druids in utilizing the Training Dummy effectively, we can't deny the excitement that the Training Grounds bring to the game. The ability to customize our training sessions and test our skills against different enemy types is a feature that many players have longed for. We eagerly await the quick resolution of these issues so that all classes, including the Necromancer and Druid, can fully enjoy and benefit from the new Training Grounds in Diablo 4.

That's all for now, dear gamers. Keep an eye out for updates and fixes, and let's continue our quest to conquer the world of gaming together!

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