Diablo 4 New Enemy Class: Introducing The Constructs

January 18, 2024 2 minutes

Season 3 of Diablo 4 is bringing forth a wave of exciting changes that players are eager to dive into. Among the many additions, one feature has caught the attention of fans - the introduction of a new group of enemies known as The Constructs. These mechanical creatures were originally created by the powerful sorcerer Zoltun Kulle but were later abandoned and repurposed by the forces of Hell. Now, they are set to make a significant impact on the world of Sanctuary in Season 3.

The Mysteries Surrounding The Constructs

While we have gathered some information about The Constructs through various interviews and official sources from Blizzard, there is still much that remains unknown. One thing we do know is that these enemies are imbued with elemental powers, which suggests that players will encounter fire, frost, lightning, and poison variants of The Constructs during their gameplay. However, what remains to be seen is how these creatures will be classified in the game.

In the previous seasons, we saw a focus on specific enemy types such as Blighted and Vampiric, where new abilities and characteristics were added to existing enemy types like vampires and beasts. However, The Constructs seem to be something entirely new and unique. While they may resemble beasts in appearance, they do not fit into any existing archetype in the game. This raises the question of whether damage bonuses and effects from elixirs, which are typically applied to specific enemy types, will have any impact on The Constructs.

  • The Constructs' Dominion - The Vaults

So far, it appears that The Constructs will primarily be confined to an exciting new series of dungeons known as The Vaults. These mysterious locations will undoubtedly hold many secrets and challenges for players to overcome. However, there is also speculation among players about the possibility of encountering The Constructs outside of The Vaults. Could they have a presence in other areas of Sanctuary as well?

  • The Connection to Zoltun Kulle

As players delve deeper into the world of Diablo 4 and face off against The Constructs, it begs the question of what their creation can reveal about their enigmatic creator, Zoltun Kulle. Known for his mastery of arcane powers and his ambitious endeavors, Kulle's role in bringing these mechanical creatures to life raises intriguing possibilities. Exploring the connection between The Constructs and Kulle could unveil hidden lore and shed light on the motives and intentions of this formidable sorcerer.

Share Your Thoughts

What are your thoughts on this new addition to Diablo 4? How do you think The Constructs will impact gameplay and the overall experience of Season 3? We would love to hear your theories and speculations in the comments below!

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