Diablo 4 Patch 1.3.3 - Class Updates and Gauntlet Rewards Unveiled

March 05, 2024 3 minutes

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Today, we have some exciting datamined information about the latest patch for Diablo 4, Patch 1.3.3. As always, our team at WowCarry has been hard at work gathering all the raw data directly from the Diablo 4 client. Please note that while some of these changes may differ from what was described in the patch notes, this is the most up-to-date information for Patch 1.3.3.

Changes to Fury-Generating Skills

Let's start with the changes to Fury-generating skills:

  • Generate Fury: 13 → 15
  • Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing 30% → 33% damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to 2 seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon.
  • Basic Skills generate 7% → 10% more Fury when using Two-Handed weapons.

These changes aim to enhance the effectiveness of Fury generation in combat, allowing players to unleash devastating attacks with their Barbarian characters.

Enhancements to Shape-Shifting Abilities

The next set of changes focuses on shape-shifting abilities:

  • Generate Spirit: 12 → 15
  • Shapeshift into a Werewolf and claw at an enemy for 22% → 25% damage.
  • Sunder the earth, impaling the first enemy hit for 17% → 19% damage.
  • Shapeshift into a Werebear and maul enemies in front of you, dealing 22% → 24% damage.

With these enhancements, Druid players can further tap into the primal powers of nature and unleash devastating attacks on their foes.

Increased Effectiveness of Storm Skills

Now, let's take a look at the changes to Storm Skills:

  • Storm Skills that you cast grant 1 Spirit and deal 15% → 20% increased damage when damaging a Vulnerable, Immobilized, or Slowed enemy.
  • A passive skill now summons a poison creeper periodically, applying 6% → 7% Poisoning damage over 6 seconds to an enemy in the area.
  • An active skill now strangles all surrounding enemies, immobilizing them for 2 seconds and poisoning them for 45% → 63% damage over 2 seconds.

These changes bring Storm Skills to a whole new level, allowing players to unleash devastating thunder and lightning upon their enemies.

Revamped Necromancer Skills

Next up, we have the revamped skills for the Necromancer:

  • A passive skill now summons a raven that periodically attacks enemies for 24% → 31% damage every 5 seconds.
  • An active skill now swarms the target area with ravens, dealing 250% → 300% damage over 6 seconds.
  • While healthy, the Necromancer now deals 25% → 30% increased damage and increased Overpower damage.

These changes bring a new level of darkness and power to the Necromancer class, allowing players to command an army of the undead and unleash devastating attacks.

Enhancements to Sorceress Skills

Last but not least, we have the enhancements to the Sorceress skills:

  • Generate Spirit: 14 → 16
  • Conjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing 18% → 20% damage.
  • Summon 2 wolf companions that bite enemies for 11% → 14% damage.
  • Direct your wolves to focus an enemy, leaping to them and striking for 135% → 200% damage.
  • Unleash concentrated blight that deals 30% → 40% damage and leaves behind a defiled area, dealing 15% → 17% damage over 6 seconds.

With these enhancements, the Sorceress becomes an even more formidable force, wielding the power of wind and summoning ferocious companions to aid in battle.


And there you have it, adventurers! A glimpse into the exciting changes coming in Patch 1.3.3 of Diablo 4. We hope these improvements will enhance your gameplay experience and bring a whole new level of excitement to your adventures. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, happy gaming!

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