Potent New Builds in Season 2 - Thunderstrike Sorceress, Rampage Barbarian, Tempest Wolf Druid

November 01, 2023 2 minutes

Welcome to our blog post, written by WowCarry! With the recent release of Patch 1.2.0 and the start of Season 2, Blizzard has made significant improvements to several underperforming builds in an effort to increase build diversity. These changes have been met with great success, and today we'll be taking a closer look at three of these builds: the Ball Lightning Sorcerer, the Upheaval Barbarian, and the Stormclaw Druid!

Ball Lightning Sorcerer

The Ball Lightning Sorcerer has become a popular choice for endgame play in Season 2, thanks to some key changes introduced in Patch 1.2.0. One of the reasons behind its incredible power lies in a simple tooltip change that was included in the patch.

Although initially only the tooltip showed incorrect damage numbers based on the skill's Attack Speed scaling, it appears that the damage calculation itself was adjusted in the same way, resulting in a significant increase in damage. Additionally, the build's main damage aspect was greatly buffed in Season 1 with Patch 1.1.1.

As a result, the Ball Lightning Sorcerer quickly rose to the top of the tier lists, becoming the favored build of the season. Its incredible damage potential, combined with its battlemage playstyle and strong build foundation thanks to lightning-related Paragon improvements, make Ball Lightning one of the most enjoyable and powerful skills to use in Diablo 4 Season 2.

Stormclaw Druid

Druids have been a favorite among fans and have consistently proven their strength in terms of endgame builds. The Stormclaw Druid in Season 2 has received several great changes with the release of Patch 1.2.0, including much-needed improvements in the Paragon section.

Thanks to the significant buffs to Fortify for Druids, the Stormclaw Druid can be considered the tankiest build of the current season. With plenty of Fortify and Damage Reduction, this build becomes a true bulwark, capable of dealing tremendous single- and multi-target damage, especially when combined with the powerful // interaction.

Upheaval Barbarian

Last but certainly not least, the Upheaval Barbarian has also made a significant impact in Season 2. Patch 1.2.0 brought heavy buffs to the core skill and its upgrades, elevating it from good to great.

However, it was a particular unique item buff that truly pushed the Upheaval Barbarian into S-Tier status in Season 2. The item now grants bonus ranks to , resulting in a substantial increase in base damage. Additionally, the Damage to Burning Enemies affix has been buffed by an impressive 150%.

With the usual Shout package and these improvements, the Upheaval Barbarian deals incredible "one-shot" damage and truly embodies the essence of a Barbarian build, especially thanks to the flavorful !

If you're looking to create your own build, be sure to check out the full interactive Wowhead Build Planner. This tool provides detailed information, including the Skill Tree and Paragon Calculator integration and more, to help you create the perfect build in Diablo 4.

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