Addon Highlight: Plumber - Master the Art of Harvesting Dreamseeds in the Emerald Dream

November 10, 2023 3 minutes

Dreamseeds have become a popular world event in the latest Patch 10.2 update. Players are using them to farm reputation, collect mounts and pets, and earn cosmetic rewards. To make this process even more efficient, the Plumber addon offers a range of functionalities that enhance the Dreamseed farming experience. With customizable options and user-friendly interfaces, Plumber is a must-have addon for any avid Dreamseed farmer.

Tracking Dreamseed Events

One of the key features of the Plumber addon is its ability to track active Dreamseed events. By simply checking your map while in the Emerald Dream, you can see which seeds are currently blooming. Seeds with timers indicate actively tended spots, while blue seeds signify unclaimed rewards.

Plumber indicators: Description:
Seeds being planted Shows the locations where Dreamseeds are currently being planted.
Reward waiting Highlights the spots where Dreamseeds with unclaimed rewards are located.

Efficient Dreamseed Planting

When you approach an Emerald Bounty spot, the Plumber addon indicates the seeds you currently have. This user-friendly interface allows you to easily select and plant the desired seed, eliminating the hassle of searching through your inventory for a specific seed.

In addition to making planting easier, Plumber also enhances the Dreamseed UI. The addon removes the background around the UI, allowing you to see the remaining time on a seed timer without needing to close the interface. Furthermore, you can now hold down the Dewdrop button to rapidly plant Emerald Dewdrops, eliminating the need for excessive mouse clicks.

Additional Plumber Functions

Plumber offers a range of other useful functions that are not directly related to Dreamseeds. These include:

  • Dreaming Crest Tracking

The addon allows you to track all the Dreaming Crests you have earned through an inventory mouseover, making it easy to keep tabs on your progress.

  • Auto-Join for Time Rifts

When interacting with Soridormi, Plumber provides an Auto-Join button for Time Rifts. This feature streamlines the process of participating in Time Rift events.

  • Auto-Picklock UI for Rogues

Rogues will appreciate the auto-picklock UI offered by Plumber. This tool simplifies the process of unlocking chests by providing an intuitive interface directly within the inventory.

The Plumber addon is a versatile utility that enhances the Dreamseed farming experience in Patch 10.2. With its customizable options and user-friendly interfaces, it is a valuable tool for any player looking to make the most out of this popular world event.


The Plumber addon is a game-changer for Dreamseed farming in Patch 10.2. Its ability to track active events, streamline planting processes, and offer additional functions makes it an essential tool for any player participating in the Dreamseed world event. Whether you're farming reputation, collecting mounts and pets, or simply seeking cosmetic rewards, Plumber is here to simplify your experience and maximize your efficiency. Happy Dreamseeding! Now's the time to conquer the 10.2 update content and WowCarry will help you with that, check out how here.

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