Adventure on Dragonback in All Zones in Patch 10.2.5

November 05, 2023 3 minutes

Hey there, fellow gamers! Welcome back to the WowCarry blog. We have some exciting news for all you World of Warcraft enthusiasts out there. In the recent WoW Deep Dive panel, our beloved game director, Ion Hazzikostas, thrilled us with a major announcement - get ready to Dragonride in all old zones in the upcoming Patch 10.2.5!

Dragonriding in Patch 10.2.5

Ion Hazzikostas revealed that in Patch 10.2.5, players will have the incredible ability to Dragonride across the Eastern Kingdoms, Outlands, Kalimdor, and many more zones. This long-awaited feature will add a whole new level of immersion and exploration to the game.

But that's not all! Alongside Dragonriding, you'll also have the option to toggle between Dragonriding and TBC Flying. This flexibility allows you to choose your preferred method of traversing the vast world of Azeroth.

War Within and Exciting Updates

The Dragonriding feature is just one of the many exciting additions coming to the game in the War Within expansion. Brace yourselves for an epic adventure filled with new content and thrilling experiences.

Let's take a look at some of the key highlights:

  • War Within Pre-orders and Early Access

Pre-orders for the War Within expansion are now available! By pre-ordering, you'll gain access to the game three days ahead of the official release. So make sure to secure your spot and prepare for an unforgettable journey.

  • The Worldsoul Saga Continues

Get ready to unravel the gripping Worldsoul Saga, which includes three expansion packs: World of Warcraft: Midnight, World of Warcraft: The Last Titan, and World of Warcraft: The War Within. This grand saga is set to conclude by 2030, giving players a vast and immersive storyline to enjoy for years to come.

  • Unlockable Transmog and Account Wide Progression

With the War Within expansion, you can now unlock Transmog with any character. No more limitations on your favorite fashion choices! Additionally, the introduction of Account Wide Progression and Renown ensures that your progress carries over to all your characters, adding convenience and flexibility to your gameplay.

The War Within Expansion Cinematic

It wouldn't be an expansion without a breathtaking cinematic to set the stage for epic battles and new challenges. Prepare to be amazed as The War Within expansion cinematic unfolds before your eyes, bringing the story to life in stunning detail.

Exploring New Zones and Dungeons

The War Within expansion brings a wealth of new content for our adventurers. Here's what you can expect:

  • New Zones

  • Four new zones will be introduced, each offering unique landscapes and immersive quests.

  • Exciting Dungeons

  • Prepare for epic dungeon runs with a total of eight new dungeons to conquer. Face formidable foes, solve challenging puzzles, and reap valuable rewards.

  • The First Raid: Nerub'ar Palace

The War Within expansion introduces the first raid of its kind, Nerub'ar Palace. Gather your allies, strategize, and face off against powerful bosses in this intense raid. The fate of Azeroth hangs in the balance!


The Dragonriding feature in Patch 10.2.5 is a game-changer, offering players an exhilarating new way to traverse the vast world of Azeroth. Combined with the highly anticipated War Within expansion and its exciting additions, World of Warcraft is set to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience. So get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure and make your mark in the world of Azeroth!

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