Amirdrassil Race to World First Day 6 Recap: Tindral Survives, Boss Comparisons, and Difficulty

November 21, 2023 2 minutes

The Amirdrassil Race to World First has reached the end of its first week! Throughout the race, Dratnos & Tettles will be providing Daily Recaps of the events of each day - today's video focuses on Tindral Sageswift's continued longevity, penultimate boss comparisons, and more.

Tindral Sageswift's Persistence

Tindral Sageswift remains alive and well, cementing this race as a 2 reset affair! In today's RWF Recap, Dratnos and Tettles discuss the incredible difficulty of this boss and compare it to previous bosses of similar difficulty like Halondrus, as well as other penultimate bosses like Stone Legion Generals, Rygelon, and Fallen Avatar. Fallen Avatar holds the crown for pull counts in the modern era, but Tindral is hot on its heels and with a hundred or so more pulls could take the record. Further adjustments to the boss could of course interfere with that, but Dratnos and Tettles expect that those changes won't come until after Liquid and Echo have defeated the boss.

Though Tindral is certainly a difficulty outlier, it's unclear if that's a negative thing, as most players who are facing the boss are having a great time. Bosses that are excessively difficult and not enjoyable, like Stone Legion Generals, are definitely problematic, but when they're challenging and fun, it's fantastic! It's important, however, that the difficulty is carefully adjusted in the coming months to ensure that guilds who reach it later can still defeat it, in order to avoid the issues experienced during the first few months of Seplucher which caused the demise of several guilds.

Race Preparation and Week 2

The reset is now approaching! Soon, RWF raiders will have to make sure they've completed their tasks, such as filling out their M+ Great Vault rows with +20s if possible, and completing the Campaign to earn another Enchanted Wyrm's Dreaming Crest for the Spark of Dreams that unlocks upon reset. Echo has also been altering their sleep schedule to accommodate the 5am start on Wednesday.

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