Blizzard Embraces Change - Preach Gaming Interview Recap

November 18, 2023 3 minutes

Written by WowCarry

Blizzard's Changing Development Philosophy: An Overview

Recently, Preach Gaming had the opportunity to sit down with Game Director Ion Hazzikostos to delve into Blizzard's evolving development philosophy, the future of storytelling in World of Warcraft, and address some of the controversies surrounding the World Soul Saga. In his interview, Ion shared some key insights that shed light on Blizzard's approach to creating a vibrant and engaging gaming experience. In this article, we will summarize the main points discussed in the interview, highlighting the exciting changes that lie ahead.

Account-Wide Content: Embracing New Horizons

Blizzard's focus on account-wide content, such as the much-anticipated Warbands feature, is a result of the company's willingness to "let go of old stubbornness." After closely examining player feedback and observing how modern players engage with Classic, Blizzard realized the need to re-evaluate their priorities. The decision to implement account-wide content was not a recent one; rather, Blizzard had long wanted to introduce features like Warbands, but it required expansion-level work to bring them to fruition.

This newfound flexibility in Blizzard's development philosophy is a testament to their commitment to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing gaming landscape. The team acknowledges that the philosophy and values they inherited from their predecessors needed to be re-evaluated in light of player feedback and their own experiences as avid gamers. By embracing player insights and staying open to new possibilities, Blizzard aims to deliver a more inclusive and immersive gaming experience.

The World Soul Saga: A Storytelling Revolution

The notion that the World Soul Saga represents a form of "shrinkflation" is quickly dispelled. Contrary to this assumption, both the upcoming expansion, The War Within, and future expansions will still adhere to the standard framework of four zones, eight dungeons, and a raid. However, what sets the World Soul Saga apart is its commitment to tell an interconnected story across multiple expansions, rather than focusing on self-contained narratives within each expansion.

This novel approach allows Blizzard to craft more captivating and nuanced storylines by utilizing foreshadowing and intricate world-building. Each expansion will now contribute to an overarching story, where events and actions in one expansion echo across the World of Warcraft universe, giving players a sense of continuity and a deeper connection to the lore. Blizzard's shift towards this multi-expansion storytelling format opens up new avenues for immersive storytelling and promises to captivate players in ways they have never experienced before.

Keeping Pace with the Dragonflight: A New Timeline

In line with their goal to create a more robust and immersive gaming experience, Blizzard aims to release expansions at a pace consistent with the Dragonflight content release schedule. This translates to a target timeline of one and a half years per expansion. To achieve this ambitious goal, Blizzard has been expanding their World of Warcraft development team, equipping them with the resources and manpower necessary to deliver top-notch content within the desired timeframe.

By synchronizing their content release schedule with the Dragonflight timeline, Blizzard aims to provide fans with a seamless progression through the World Soul Saga. This commitment to timely and consistent updates ensures that players will always have new and exciting adventures awaiting them, with minimal downtime between expansions.


Blizzard's changing development philosophy signals an exciting era for World of Warcraft players. The shift towards embracing account-wide content, multi-expansion storytelling, and a more rigorous content release schedule indicates Blizzard's dedication to delivering an engaging and immersive gaming experience. As players, we can look forward to exploring new horizons and embarking on thrilling adventures in the World Soul Saga. So gear up, fellow heroes, and get ready to dive into a world where the lines between expansions blur, and the possibilities are endless. Our WowCarry team is here to help you gearing up in the latest patch 10.2 with our profitable bundles which you can check out here!

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