Charity Event: Gnomes on the Run - October 14th, 4pm PDT

October 14, 2023 2 minutes

It's that time of year again! The annual Running of the Gnomes takes place on Saturday, October 14th, on the Scarlet Crusade-US server! This fun community event is held to raise support and awareness for the Tuohy Vaccine, a treatment to prevent Triple Negative Breast Cancer developed by the Cleveland Clinic.

The event kicks off at 4pm Pacific, 7pm Eastern, 11pm GMT, so be sure to roll a new gnome and join the community in this exciting race! Participants will start from the gnomes' starting area in Gnomeregan and make their way through the tram in Ironforge, all the way to Booty Bay. The race will be followed by an after party in Orgrimmar!

While the Running of the Gnomes has gained official recognition from Blizzard as the Great Gnomeregan Run micro-holiday, allowing all players to participate using their own characters, the original community event on Scarlet Crusade-US emphasizes the importance of breast cancer awareness by specifically using pink-haired gnomes. This year, there are even official Trading Post objectives!

The Origins of the Event

If you're interested in the background of this event, check out our interview with Dravvie, one of the event organizers. It provides insights into how the Running of the Gnomes began and how it has grown over the years. Additionally, you can join the official Discord server or read through this year's Reddit post for specific details.

How to Participate

To join the Running of the Gnomes, simply log in on the specified day on the Scarlet Crusade server before the race's start time. We'll have the invites ready for you, so all you need to do is bring yourself!

To ensure a smooth experience, we recommend arriving early and not waiting until the last minute to join. You can also join our Discord a few days before the event to receive early guild invitations.

Keep in mind that cross-realm invites are not available for this event. You must be on Scarlet Crusade or the connected realm Feathermoon to participate. If you don't usually play World of Warcraft or if you're in the EU/Asia regions, you can still join the fun by downloading and using a US trial account.

If your account is currently inactive, you can also use a trial account to participate. Although trial accounts cannot join guilds, you can still run with us, and we have alternative ways to keep track of your participation. Don't forget to join our Discord community as well!

Written by WowCarry

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