Classic Hardcore Farming Recommendations and WoWThing Spotlight - Wowhead Economy Weekly Wrap-Up

October 22, 2023 9 minutes

Hey there, welcome to the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up! In this week's post, we have some exciting topics to discuss. We'll explore a fantastic website for tracking Profession Weeklies on your alts, delve into material speculation and potential investments, and take a closer look at skinning farms in Classic Hardcore. Additionally, we have an insightful interview with a successful gold maker who's made a fortune with Crafting Work Orders. Lastly, we'll touch on a hotfix related to the Magpie buff in Dreamsurges. So, grab a seat and let's delve into the World of Gold Making together!

Tracking Alts on WoWThing

A valuable website has come to our attention that allows you to keep track of your alts' progress in various aspects of the game, particularly Profession Weeklies. The website is called, and to use it, you'll need to install the companion addon, WoWThing_Collector. Once set up, the addon will track your progress across all your characters. To view your profession weeklies on your character's home page, follow these steps:

  1. Add Tasks to the Home columns in Layout Settings.
  2. In the Task settings, add Profession Weeklies.
  3. Once done, you'll be able to see a clear overview of which character has completed what for their professions that week. It's an excellent tool for managing your alts and keeping track of their progression.

But that's not all! WoWThing can be used for much more, providing you with a comprehensive view of all your characters and their activities. It's definitely a website worth checking out!

Material Speculation - Last Dip before 10.2?

Are you considering investing in materials while their prices are low, hoping for a future price increase? While this strategy can be risky, especially in a Region-wide Auction House, it can also yield significant rewards. Currently, all markets are experiencing a dip due to players being busy with Icecrown Citadel and farmers focusing on resource gathering. This is the perfect time to stock up on cheap materials, as they are likely to increase in value in the next patch.

If you're not interested in crafting, you can hold onto these materials until their price peaks and then sell them for a considerable profit. Just keep in mind not to invest more than you're willing to lose, as this is ultimately a gamble. Typically, prices are low towards the end of an expansion, so holding onto materials until the next expansion may result in even higher prices due to reduced supply. Remember, it's never a bad time to stock up on cheap mats!

To assist you in your material speculation endeavors, here's a list of some materials that are currently priced attractively:

Material Price Range
Serevite R2 Under 60s
Serevite R3 Under 1g
Draconium R2 Under 3g
Draconium R3 Under 4g
Khaz'gorite R2 Under 40g
Khaz'gorite R3 Under 60g
Fire Under 90g
Earth Under 90g
Frost Under 90g (was 80g last week)
Order Under 230g
Decay Under 220g
Glowspore Under 9g

  • Important Note:

These prices are specifically for EU realms. Feel free to add onto this list based on your knowledge and experience.

If you're planning to speculate, it's important to act swiftly. Based on the calendar, it's likely that patch 10.2 will drop on November 7th for NA realms and November 8th for EU realms. This aligns with the end of Blizzcon weekend and the Dungeon Finder event happening the following week. The window of opportunity to purchase materials at low prices may only last 1 to 2 weeks before prices begin to soar when the Icecrown Citadel hype decreases, and players return to retail. So, make sure to plan your investments accordingly!

Crafting Orders: Interview with a Gold Maker

In a recent interview, Penguin2gt had the chance to speak with Seksi, a veteran gold maker who has achieved great success with Crafting Work Orders in this expansion. The interview provides valuable insights into the mind of a gold maker and their strategies for maximizing profits using this system. It's a fascinating read for anyone interested in the art of gold making. If you're looking to improve your gold-making skills, this interview is definitely worth checking out!

Magpies Hotfixed?

Previously, we reported that the gold return on the Dreamsurge Magpie buff was higher than described in the tooltip. However, it appears that this issue has been hotfixed. Please note that the hotfix may not be consistently implemented yet, as some players are still receiving three times the reward described in the tooltip. Nevertheless, it's essential to stay updated on these changes to make the most of the game's mechanics.

Classic Hardcore Farming

Are you taking on the challenge of Classic Hardcore mode? If so, we have a treat for you! Reddit user u/ExcitingTomatoes has created an extensive list of the best spots for making gold through grinding before hitting level 60. These farms are specifically tailored for players with the skinning profession, allowing them to optimize their time and resources. It's an exceptional guide for those looking to accumulate wealth, purchase gear from the Auction House, level engineering, or even save up for their mount at level 40. The farms listed can be completed during your leveling journey, ensuring that you make the most of your time.

As the author of the guide, u/ExcitingTomatoes has personally experienced significant financial success through these farms. By the time they reached level 49 on their priest, they amassed 210g, 30 Golden Pearls purchased from the Auction House, a 60% mount, an Insignia of the Alliance, several bags of materials worth another 60g approximately, and invested in crafted gear such as Dreamweave, as well as a rare 45 wand valued at 15 to 30g. They are kindly sharing their "secret" spots, as they have already accumulated more than enough gold pre-level 60 in this playthrough and don't require additional farms for their current character.

Without further ado, here are some of the highlighted farming spots:

  • Wetland Whelps (skinnable, level 24+)

Located in the northwest Wetlands, you'll find several types of whelps that drop Small Flame Sacs. Despite being slightly spread out, these mobs are typically uncontested, making it an ideal spot for hunters using Aspect of the Cheetah. Keep in mind that the "Lost" and "Crimson" whelps are immune to shadow damage, so casters should be cautious. Some of these whelps may also drop the rare Tiny Crimson Whelpling pet, which can sell for 10g+. Although the drop rate is extremely low (1 in 200+), it's still a nice bonus if you're lucky enough to find one.

  • Ashenvale Infernals (level 29+)

This farm is incredibly lucrative due to the high drop rate of Heavy Stones, which are in high demand for leveling engineering. However, accessing this farming spot as Alliance can be challenging without aggroing Splinter Tree Guards. It's recommended to scout the area beforehand on a non-hardcore character to determine the safest path. Keep in mind that the infernals are immune to fire damage, and there are other mobs in the area that are difficult to avoid.

  • Stranglethorn Tigers (skinnable, level 32+)

With decent mob density and minimal competition, this farm is ideal for grinding Tiger Meat. Head to the spot below the Kurzen base for the best results. Just be cautious of Zul'Gurub elites near the ramp to ZG to avoid unnecessary surprises.

  • Dustallow Marsh Spiders (level 35+)

These spiders drop a valuable food ingredient, White Spider Meat, which provides +12 Stamina and Spirit. The farm offers a decent density of spiders and is usually not heavily contested. Additionally, the spiders can drop Shadow Silk and Thick Spider Silk, both of which can be sold for a considerable amount of silver. Keep in mind that these materials might not fetch high prices on the Auction House.

  • Swamp of Sorrows Whelps (skinnable, level 35+)

An alternative whelp farm for Small Flame Sacs, the Swamp of Sorrows Whelps offer higher-level mobs with better drop rates. This spot tends to be contested, so you may need to be quick. If it becomes crowded, you can also venture to kill spiders for White Spider Meat. Just be cautious of the Stonard Scout patrolling the road and guarding the tower, as they can flag you for PvP if you get too close.

  • Arathi Elementals (level 38+)

These elementals drop charms that are required for a level 30 warrior quest. As the quest rewards a BiS weapon for the next 10 levels, there is a high demand for these charms among warriors. This farm can be highly contested, but the potential profits make it worth the competition. When farming this spot, focus on the air and water elementals, hopping from one to the other. Keep in mind that water elementals can be annoying for melee players, as they have frost armor and occasionally cast frost nova. Additionally, make sure to clear the path to the center of the Circle of Elements if you see other players approaching to ensure a safe farming experience.

  • Feralas Coastline Fishing (minimum level 48+)

This spot offers a unique opportunity for fishing highly valuable pools, such as floating wreckage and Stonescale Eel schools. You can combine pool fishing with grinding out two types of mobs that offer repeatable quests. Contrary to the Tanaris coastline, this fishing spot is less popular, making it an excellent option for those looking to maximize their earnings. Remember to choose the repeatable quests that allow you to transform elite giants into regular mobs for an enhanced grinding experience.

  • Blasted Lands Beasts (skinnable, level 48+)

This farm is particularly interesting due to the several items dropped by the Blasted Lands Beasts that are required for repeatable quests. These quests provide world buffs and are highly sought-after by raiders. Although this farm tends to be contested, the potential financial gain makes it worth your time. However, be cautious of Teremus the Devourer, a level-max boss that patrols the area. Never go AFK in this area, as he can appear unexpectedly behind the mountains. Some materials dropped by these beasts sell for higher prices than others, so prioritize your farming accordingly.

These are just some of the fantastic farming spots mentioned in the guide by u/ExcitingTomatoes. Each spot offers unique opportunities for gold making, and the author attests to their success in accumulating wealth through these specific farms. If you're taking on the Classic Hardcore challenge or simply want to increase your gold reserves, make sure to check out u/ExcitingTomatoes' guide for more detailed information on the best gold-making spots.

If you're interested in further reading on gold-making topics, head over to the /r/woweconomy subreddit or their accompanying Discord Server. There's a wealth of information and discussions available, perfect for those looking to delve deeper into the art of gold making.

We hope you found this week's WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up helpful and informative. Until next time, happy gold making!

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