Dracthyr Race Potentially Expanding to Additional Classes - Update: Disproved by Blizzard

November 06, 2023 3 minutes

Welcome to the world of Azeroth! In the latest update for World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, The War Within, players have been buzzing about the possibility of new class options for the Dracthyr race. In a screenshot unveiled during the WoW Deep Dive panel at BlizzCon, a Dracthyr character was spotted wearing Leather armor at level 13. This has sparked speculation that Dracthyr may be expanding their class options beyond their usual role as Evokers. However, Blizzard has since clarified that the screenshot was an internal mockup and that no additional changes are planned for the Dracthyr class options at this time.

The Dracthyr race is known for being powerful spellcasters specializing in dragonflight abilities. Usually, they can only be played as Evokers and start at level 58 in their own starting zone. The appearance of a level 13 Dracthyr wearing Leather armor is highly unusual and suggests that something was amiss in the screenshot. In fact, the Dracthyr in the image was wearing Shoulders and a Belt from a leather set obtained through outdoor activities in the Emerald Dream. This is particularly odd considering that Dracthyr typically wear mail armor.

Merissaon X, a member of the WoW development team, shed some light on the situation. According to Merissaon, the screenshot was never meant to be a representation of an actual gameplay experience. It was simply a visualization created for internal purposes. The intention was to showcase the visuals and stylization of The War Within, but it seems that the choice of gear for the Dracthyr character was a mix-up. Merissaon assured players that the Dracthyr class options will remain unchanged, and there are no plans to introduce new classes for the race in the expansion.

What's Next for The War Within?

While the Dracthyr class options may not be expanding, Blizzard did reveal some exciting updates for The War Within during BlizzCon. The expansion will introduce the Dragonflight as the default leveling experience, immersing players in the epic lore and world of dragons. Additionally, a new starting class called the Evokers will be available, beginning their journey at level 10. These changes aim to provide a fresh and immersive gameplay experience for both new and veteran players.

Features and Content

  • Hero Talents and Warbands

The War Within will introduce an exciting new feature called Hero Talents. This system allows players to customize and enhance their characters' abilities, allowing for greater personalization and strategic gameplay. Alongside this, players will be able to form Warbands, joining forces with other players to tackle challenging content together and earn unique rewards.

  • Account Wide Progression & Renown

In an effort to make the game more accessible and rewarding for all players, The War Within will implement account-wide progression and renown systems. This means that your progress and reputation will be carried across all of your characters, allowing you to enjoy the full breadth of the expansion's features without starting from scratch.

  • New Zones, Dungeons, and Raid

The War Within will introduce four new zones to explore, each with its own unique atmosphere and challenges. Alongside these new zones, players can look forward to delving into eight dungeons, each offering thrilling encounters and valuable rewards. And for those seeking the ultimate test of skill, the first raid of the expansion, Nerub'ar Palace, will provide a truly epic and memorable experience.


While the initial speculation about new class options for the Dracthyr race has been put to rest, Blizzard's plans for The War Within are still incredibly exciting. With its immersive Dragonflight leveling experience, new starting class, and a wealth of features and content to explore, The War Within promises to be a thrilling addition to the World of Warcraft universe. Stay tuned for more updates and mark your calendars for the expansion's release!

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