Dragonflight: A Standout Expansion for Collectors

February 08, 2024 4 minutes

Chasing collectables has always been a popular pastime in World of Warcraft. With each major patch, new rewards are introduced for players to pursue. From mounts and pets to toys and transmog, there's always something to collect. However, some of these collection quests have become excessively time-consuming and reliant on RNG (random number generation) or time limits. Blizzard, the game's developer, has made some attempts to address these issues, but has it done enough to make Dragonflight, the latest expansion, a collector's paradise? Let's explore.

The Challenge of Collecting

Obtaining in-game collectibles can range from easy to nearly impossible. Blizzard has made strides in respecting players' time, especially in regards to gearing, by implementing bad luck protection and deterministic gearing options. However, this approach has been less consistent when it comes to collectibles.

One of the most notoriously difficult-to-obtain collectibles is the X-45 Heartbreaker mount, which has a drop chance of 1 in 3333 and is only available for a limited time each year during the Love is in the Air festival. Blizzard has acknowledged the frustration caused by this old-school approach and has experimented with increased drop rates and bad luck protection for some items.

  • Drop Rate Changes

Blizzard has tried implementing increased drop chances for certain collectibles, such as the X-45 Heartbreaker mount. Initially, players had to run the Love is in the Air dungeon multiple times a day on alts to have a chance at obtaining it. The increased drop rate per account has made it slightly easier, with a 14% chance of obtaining the mount in a given year. While this change motivates collectors to engage with the event, it can also feel discouraging for those running the dungeon on subsequent characters, as the drop chance significantly decreases.

Blizzard has also buffed the drop rates on certain items, such as mounts and drakewatcher manuscripts. However, there is still room for improvement, as promised drop rate increases for Zaralek Caverns collectibles have yet to be implemented.

  • The Rare Farm

Zaralek Caverns introduced multiple powerful rares that were initially too difficult to face alone. These rares dropped various collectibles, including mounts, toys, and drakewatcher manuscripts. However, the drop rates for these items are extremely low, and soloing the rares was nearly impossible until recently. The reliance on group content for solo-focused collectors can be frustrating, especially when trying to obtain specific items.

Blizzard's attempt to funnel players towards certain rares did not alleviate the issue, as finding groups interested in these rares remains challenging. Collectibles tied to group content in older zones pose a solo farming experience, creating a disconnect between the intended design and current gameplay.

Bad Luck Protection and Currency-Based Systems

Blizzard has explored different approaches to luck protection, including currency-based systems. For example, the Seedbloom of the Emerald Dream is a currency that can be used to purchase items that have a chance to drop from seeds. This system benefits collectors of all levels, providing a clear path to obtain desired items.

In Dragonflight, the Azerothian Archives introduced a similar currency-based reward system. Players earn currency by participating in various activities, and they can then purchase collectibles from a vendor. While this system has potential, the grind associated with earning the currency can feel forced and repetitive, particularly with the required digs.

Puzzle-based events like Secrets of Azeroth have been well-received, as they offer challenging yet soloable content. By completing puzzles, players can obtain collectibles that feel earned through effort rather than luck.

  • Puzzle Events and the Potential for Delves

The most desirable collectibles in World of Warcraft are often rare drops or secrets that require puzzle-solving. Dragonflight has seen an increase in puzzle-based challenges, such as Zskera Vaults and Sniffenseeking. These solo activities focus more on solving puzzles than fighting enemies. While not perfect, they represent an innovative approach to collecting.

One particularly successful puzzle-based event is Secrets of Azeroth. Players receive daily clues to solve, and by the end of the event, they can obtain several new collectibles. The event rewards dedicated collectors and provides a sense of accomplishment.

Looking ahead, Delves have the potential to further enhance the collecting experience. These new activities can be done solo or in a group and may involve more than just defeating bosses. Balancing challenging but achievable collectibles while avoiding tedious grinding remains a challenge for Blizzard.

In conclusion, while Blizzard has made efforts to address collector-related concerns, there is still room for improvement. Currency-based systems, puzzle-based challenges, and innovative approaches to collecting have shown promise in Dragonflight. With the upcoming expansion, The War Within, there is an opportunity for Blizzard to make collecting even more engaging and rewarding for players.

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