Dragonride in All Areas in Version 10.2.5

November 05, 2023 3 minutes

Are you ready to take to the skies in World of Warcraft? In a recent panel at WoW Deep Dive, Ion Hazzikostas made an exciting announcement that is sure to thrill players. Patch 10.2.5 will introduce Dragonriding in all old zones! That's right, you'll be able to soar through the skies of Eastern Kingdoms, Outlands, Kalimdor, and more on the back of a mighty dragon.

Dragonriding: A New Adventure Awaits

According to Hazzikostas, the highly anticipated feature will be available in Patch 10.2.5, allowing players to toggle between Dragonriding and TBC Flying. With this new mode of transportation, you can explore the old world like never before, witnessing stunning landscapes and experiencing the thrill of flight in Azeroth's most iconic zones.

  • Dragonriding Glyphs and the Evergreen System

One of the exciting things about Dragonriding is the introduction of Dragonriding Glyphs. These Glyphs will be part of an evergreen system, meaning that they will have a lasting impact on your character's abilities and gameplay. This system will provide players with a wide range of options to customize and enhance their Dragonriding experience.

What to Expect in the War Within Expansion

While Dragonriding is undoubtedly a major highlight of Patch 10.2.5, there are many more exciting features coming in the War Within expansion. Let's take a closer look at some of the key additions:

  • The World Soul Saga

The War Within Expansion will introduce the epic conclusion to the Worldsoul Saga, a storyline that has captivated players for years. In this expansion, players will unravel the mysteries surrounding the World Soul and face monumental challenges that will shape the fate of Azeroth.

  • New Zones and Dungeons

The War Within will bring four new zones for players to explore, each with its own unique atmosphere and dangers. From the treacherous Nerub'ar Palace to the mysterious Midnight, these new environments will test your skills and offer thrilling adventures.

In addition to the new zones, the expansion will also feature eight challenging dungeons. Gather your allies and prepare to face fearsome bosses and relentless foes as you delve into these dangerous realms.

  • Expanded Class Fantasy with Hero Talents

Hero Talents will be a game-changer in the War Within Expansion. This new system will allow players to further customize and specialize their characters, enhancing their class fantasy and providing unique abilities and bonuses.

  • Cross-Realm Guilds and Mythic Raid

Another exciting addition in the War Within is the introduction of cross-realm guilds. Now, you can join forces with players from different realms and unite under a common banner. This will expand your opportunities for social interaction and collaboration.

Additionally, the expansion will introduce the highly anticipated Mythic Raid difficulty. This challenging mode will push players to their limits, offering powerful rewards and epic battles that will test their skills and coordination.

Final Thoughts

With the upcoming Patch 10.2.5 and the War Within Expansion, World of Warcraft is set to deliver an unforgettable experience. From the exhilarating Dragonriding feature to the epic conclusion of the Worldsoul Saga, there's no shortage of excitement on the horizon.

So, get ready to spread your wings and embark on a new adventure in Azeroth. The skies are calling, and your dragon awaits!

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