Dreambound Augment Rune Set to Increase in Price to 100,000 Gold in Patch 10.2

October 11, 2023 2 minutes

Greetings adventurers! It appears that a new and exciting development has occurred in this week's Dragonflight Patch 10.2 PTR update. The previously datamined Dreambound Augment Rune, which was thought to have unlimited uses, has made its way to vendors. However, what sets this particular rune apart is its astonishing price tag of 100,000 gold!

The Rising Costs of Augment Runes

If we take a moment to examine the history of Augment Runes, we can observe an intriguing trend. Ever since their introduction in Legion, the cost of these runes has gradually increased with each new expansion. However, in the case of the Dragonflight version, the price has doubled compared to its predecessors.

Let's take a look at the previous Augment Runes and their respective costs:

Augment Rune Gold Cost
Eternal Augment Rune 50,000 gold
Lightning-Forged Augment Rune 50,000 gold
Lightforged Augment Rune 47,500 gold (discounted to 40,000 at Exalted)

As you can see, both the Eternal and Lightning-Forged Augment Runes cost 50,000 gold. The Lightforged Augment Rune, on the other hand, is slightly cheaper at 47,500 gold but can be purchased at a discounted price of 40,000 gold if you have reached Exalted reputation.

The Reasoning Behind the Price Increase

Now, you may be wondering why the developers have decided to suddenly increase the price of the Dragonflight Augment Rune. One possible explanation could be the lack of gold sinks within the Dragonflight expansion. Gold sinks are mechanisms within the game that help regulate the overall economy by removing gold from circulation. Without sufficient gold sinks, the value of gold can skyrocket, leading to inflation and other economic imbalances.

It's also worth mentioning that the recent spike in North American WoW Token prices, reaching over 400,000 gold, could be another factor influencing this decision. With the increasing value of gold, it's reasonable to assume that the developers felt it was time to adjust the price of the Augment Rune accordingly.


In conclusion, the addition of the Dreambound Augment Rune to vendors in the Dragonflight Patch 10.2 PTR update has certainly caught the attention of many adventurers. Its hefty price of 100,000 gold has raised eyebrows and sparked discussions about the reasoning behind this significant increase.

While it remains unclear why the developers chose to make this particular Augment Rune more expensive than its predecessors, we can speculate that factors such as the lack of gold sinks in Dragonflight and the inflation of WoW Token prices played a role in this decision.

As the update progresses and more information becomes available, we eagerly await further insights into the thoughts and intentions driving these changes. Get ready for the arrival of Guardians of the Dream with our dedicated services!

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