Emerald Dream Zone Guide: Fresh Recolors of Transmog Items Found in Emerald Dream Treasures

November 08, 2023 3 minutes

With the introduction of Patch 10.2, players are now able to venture into the mystical Emerald Dream Zone and embark on a quest to collect 10 one-time treasures. These treasures hold exceptional transmog recolors, making them highly coveted among adventurers. In this guide, we will provide you with the locations of these treasures, but make sure to also check out our comprehensive Emerald Dream Zone Guide for additional treasure locations. Collecting all 10 treasures will grant you the prestigious achievement: Treasures of the Emerald Dream, along with the Forest Lord's Antlers cosmetic transmog.

Transmog Recolors and their Treasure Locations

  • Visage of Ursol

Visage of Ursol is a stunning recolor of the Bearmantle Headdress, a tier helm from Antorus. To obtain this treasure, head to the coordinates 48.0, 52.4 for the Mark and 47.0, 53.0 for the Treasure. Keep an eye out for a Mark of Ursol within the Emerald Dream. Once you find it, you have exactly 1 minute to reach the treasure while being guarded by a fierce Bear Spirit Guardian. Interact with the statue at the location to spawn the treasure chest.

  • Branch of Ashamane

The Branch of Ashamane is a striking recolor of the Staff of the Plaguehound, a staff from Naxxramas. Look for this treasure inside the Barrows of Reverie. You can find the starting point at coordinates 39.0, 66.6 for the Mark and 62.9, 35.1 for the Treasure. Search for a Mark of Ashamane within the Burrow. Once you locate it, you will once again have only 1 minute, this time accompanied by a watchful Panther Spirit Guardian. Hurry to the treasure and interact with the statue to reveal the coveted Branch of Ashamane. Note that there may be phasing issues if the World Quest "Dryad Fire Drill" is active. Finish the quest to resolve this issue and loot the treasure.

  • Branch of Aviana

Branch of Aviana is an enchanting recolor of the Origin of Nightmares staff from Naxxramas. Seek this treasure at coordinates 59.9, 18.9 for the Mark and 64.1, 19.1 for the Treasure. Your first task is to find the Mark of Aviana within the Emerald Dream. Once discovered, you must hasten to the treasure within 1 minute, guided by the presence of a graceful Winged Spirit Guardian. Interact with the statue to reveal the precious Branch of Aviana.

  • Claw of Lo'Gosh

Claw of Lo'Gosh is an alluring recolor of the Wolf-Fanged Fist, a fist weapon available as a Shadowlands BoE (Bind on Equip). Venture to coordinates 30.8, 80.7 for the Mark and 32.9, 83.1 for the Treasure. Search for the Mark of Goldrinn within the Emerald Dream. Once you spot it, you have only 1 minute to reach the treasure, guarded by a vigilant Wolf Spirit Guardian. Interact with the statue to reveal the elusive Claw of Lo'Gosh.

Treasure Location Special Loot Note
Reliquary of Ursol 48.0, 52.4 (Mark)
47.0, 53.0 (Treasure)
Visage of Ursol Find a Mark of Ursol around the Emerald Dream. You will have 1 minute (Bear Spirit Guardian) to reach the treasure. Once there, interact with the statue to spawn the treasure chest.
Boon of Ashamane 39.0, 66.6 (Mark)
62.9, 35.1 (Treasure)
Branch of Ashamane Located inside the Barrows of Reverie. Find a Mark of Ashamane at the Burrow. You have 1 minute (Panther Spirit Guardian) to reach the treasure. Once there, interact with the statue to spawn the treasure chest. Beware of phasing issues if the World Quest "Dryad Fire Drill" is active. Completing the quest will allow you to loot the treasure.
Reliquary of Aviana 59.9, 18.9 (Mark)
64.1, 19.1 (Treasure)
Branch of Aviana Find a Mark of Aviana around the Emerald Dream. You have 1 minute (Winged Spirit Guardian) to reach the treasure. Once there, interact with the statue to spawn the treasure chest.
Reliquary of Goldrinn 30.8, 80.7 (Mark)
32.9, 83.1 (Treasure)
Claw of Lo'Gosh Find a Mark of Goldrinn around the Emerald Dream. You have 1 minute (Wolf Spirit Guardian) to reach the treasure. Once there, interact with the statue to spawn the treasure chest.
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