Exclusive Preview of 10.2 Mounts - Felreaver Motorbike, Sabretooth Raptor, Amirdrassil Raid Mounts

September 08, 2023 4 minutes

Welcome to our blog post where we bring you an exciting first look at the amazing mount models in patch 10.2! In this update, we are introduced to a variety of magical creatures from the enchanting Emerald Dream, as well as some incredible mounts that will leave you in awe. Join us as we explore the new additions to the mount collection, including the Keystone Master Season 3 mount and the fearsome Mythic Fyrakk mount!

1. The Felreaver Motorcycle

Showcasing sheer power and demonic style, the Felreaver Motorcycle is a mount not to be reckoned with. This monstrosity combines the raw fury of fel energy with the speed and agility of a motorcycle, creating a formidable vehicle for any adventurer to traverse the lands of Azeroth.

2. Verdant Armoredon - Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Three

As a testament to your mastery in the Keystone Dungeons, the Verdant Armoredon awaits those who have proven their worth in Season Three. This majestic dragon-like creature exudes elegance and strength, showcasing the power and skill of those who have conquered the most challenging dungeons in Azeroth.

3. Mythic Raid Fire Owl - Mythic Fyrakk Mount

Prepare yourself for an encounter with the blazing power of the Mythic Raid Fire Owl. This majestic creature will leave you breathless as it soars through the skies. Just as you conquered Fyrakk in Phase 3 of the raid, this spectacular owl will light your path and serve as a symbol of your triumph.

  • 3.1 Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of Shadowflame

For those seeking a challenge, the heroic Fyrakk Manuscript reward offers you the chance to ride the Renewed Proto-Drake, the epitome of shadowflame. This dark and mysterious mount embodies the essence of the mythical Fyrakk, a creature of unrivaled power and ancient legend.

  • 3.2 Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Blazing

If luck is on your side, you may come across the rare drop manuscript from Fyrakk, allowing you to obtain the Renewed Proto-Drake as a mount. This incarnation of the ancient creature is ablaze with fiery hues, symbolizing the unyielding strength and ferocity of Fyrakk himself.

4. Companion Faeriedragon - Flourishing Whimsydrake

Behold the mischievous and enchanting Faeriedragon, a playful protector of the Emerald Dream. These whimsical creatures, known as Whimsydrakes, are larger than their faerie dragon relatives and possess the ability to phase out of reality when mounted by a rider they dislike. Careful, these magical companions may have a sense of humor that keeps you on your toes!

5. Sabretooth Raptor Mount

The Sabretooth Raptor Mount is a sight to behold, with its razor-sharp teeth and lightning-fast speed. These fierce creatures are perfect for adventurers seeking an agile and powerful companion to navigate the treacherous landscapes of Azeroth.

6. Dream Saber Mount (i.e. Green Dreamsaber)

Allow the mystical beauty of the Dream Saber Mount to whisk you away into the realm of dreams. These majestic creatures, also known as Green Dreamsabers, are creatures of the Emerald Dream and symbolize the harmony and tranquility of nature. Harness their magical power to explore the realms beyond imagination.

7. Emerald Dream Stag Mount (i.e. Lunar Dreamstag)

Step into a world of ethereal beauty and grace with the Emerald Dream Stag Mount, also referred to as the Lunar Dreamstag. These majestic, celestial creatures radiate an aura of tranquility, guiding you through the radiant forests of the Emerald Dream with elegance and poise.

8. Vicious Moonbeast - Alliance Vicious Mount

Unleash your inner warrior with the Vicious Moonbeast, a mount that embraces the savage nature of the moonbeasts. This particular moonbeast harbors a taste for Horde blood and proudly displays its allegiance to the Alliance, sporting a striking blue color that symbolizes unity and loyalty.

9. Vicious Moonbeast - Horde Vicious Mount

For the Horde, the Vicious Moonbeast is a sign of sheer power and dominance. With a craving for Alliance blood, this formidable mount showcases its devotion to the Horde and boasts a vibrant red color that represents strength and resilience.

10. Verdant Gladiator's Slitherdrake - Gladiator Mount

For the champions of the arena, the Verdant Gladiator's Slitherdrake awaits. This fearsome mount is a testament to your mastery in combat, symbolizing your triumph and skill as a gladiator. Let the power of the Slitherdrake propel you to victory in the arena.

11. Scarab Mount

Last but not least, we have the Scarab Mount. This unique mount embodies the ancient and mystical creatures of Azeroth. Embrace the power and mystery of the scarab as you embark on epic adventures across the realm.

  • In Conclusion

With the introduction of these incredible mount models in patch 10.2, players will have a myriad of options to choose from to enhance their adventures in the World of Warcraft. Whether you seek power, elegance, or a touch of mischief, there is a mount for every adventurer. So saddle up and embark on a journey like no other! Prepare for the new Amirdrassil Raid with WowCarry to get a headstart in the new update!

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