Hero Talents Explored - Discovering the Hidden Names of All Hero Specs

November 05, 2023 2 minutes

Blizzard's Deep Dive WoW panel provided exciting insights and details on the upcoming Hero Talents system in The War Within Expansion. This new system aims to enhance the class experience by introducing self-contained talent trees inspired by iconic Warcraft archetypes.

Hero Talents: Bringing Fantasy to Your Class

The Hero Talents are evergreen talent trees that offer additional fantasy to your chosen class. During the panel, Blizzard used the example of the Balance Druid Hero Talent trees to illustrate how these new features will function.

  • Keeper of the Grove: Harnessing the Power of Nature

The Keeper of the Grove talents are shared among Balance and Restoration Druids and revolve around improving your character's abilities related to Treants and the power of nature.

  • Elune's Chosen: Mastery of Lunar Spells

Elune's Chosen talents, on the other hand, primarily focus on Lunar spells and are shared between Balance and Guardian Druids.

How Hero Talents Work

The number of talent trees available depends on the number of class specializations. Each specialization will have two talent trees shared with one of their other specs, allowing for a diverse range of choices and playstyles. Players will have the freedom to swap talents and trees at any time.

As you progress through levels 71-80, you will earn 10 Talent Points, unlocking various talent choices within the talent trees. Each spec will have several choice nodes per tree, ultimately leading to a capstone talent that represents the pinnacle of your character's abilities.

Exciting Spec Names Revealed

Blizzard concluded the Deep Dive panel by unveiling the full list of Hero Talent spec names for all 13 classes. These individualized names further emphasize the unique aspects and flavor of each specialization. Players can look forward to testing out the complete set of Hero Talents when the Alpha launches in Spring 2024.


The introduction of Hero Talents in The War Within Expansion brings a new layer of depth and customization to the class experience in World of Warcraft. With distinct talent trees and spec names, players will have the freedom to further define and enhance their character's identity. Keep an eye out for more updates and announcements regarding this exciting addition to the game!

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