Icy Veins Patch 10.2 Interview - Rogue and Druid Class Tweaks, Healing Adjustments, Power Infusion Scrutinized

September 07, 2023 3 minutes

Hey there, fellow gamers! Today, we have some exciting news to share with you about the upcoming Patch 10.2 in the popular online game. We present you an interview with Morgan Day and Patrick Scarborough with Icy Veins. They gave a sneak peek into what we can expect in the future of the gear upgrade system, as well as some exciting changes for the Rogue and Druid classes. And that's not all - there's even talk about Power Infusion and much more! So, let's dive right in!

Icy Veins Patch 10.2 Interview

Before we jump into the details, let's start with a quick summary of the highlights from the Icy Veins Interview. 

  • Blizzard is keeping the cards close to their chest regarding whether Patch 10.2 will be the last major patch or not. So, stay tuned for any surprises!
  • Druid players, rejoice! Patch 10.2 will bring a host of new customizations for your favorite shape-shifters. Get ready for some epic new Moonkin and fiery Druid customizations!
  • Rogue mains, get ready for some love too! All three Rogue specializations will see some exciting changes in Patch 10.2.
  • Healers, pay attention! There are some broad healing changes on the horizon, including an increase in the power of single-target healing. Additionally, the developers are looking to address big cooldowns and make significant mana adjustments to improve gameplay.
  • Druid specializations are also under scrutiny, as the team works towards refining the class and ensuring a smoother gameplay experience.
  • Discipline Priests, get ready for some simplification! The developers are taking a close look at the Discipline Priest rotation to make it more streamlined and enjoyable.
  • Power Infusion, the iconic Priest ability, is also on the radar for some tuning. The team wants to ensure it interacts well with different specs and provides the intended gameplay experience.
  • Attention gear enthusiasts! Patch 10.2 will bring quality-of-life improvements to the gear upgrading system. Say goodbye to Crests fragments and hello to a new currency system, where Crests will be used for upgrading gear.
  • Looking for some thrilling encounters? While not in Patch 10.2 itself, the Brawler's Guild is making a comeback! Blizzard plans to make it an evergreen feature, similar to the beloved Mage Tower.
  • Mount collectors, rejoice once again! Two new mounts are making their way into the game - a stunning Faerie Dragon mount and the awe-inspiring Fire Owl, obtained from Mythic Fyrakk. What's even more exciting is that the Fire Owl will be the first non-dragon mount with Dynamic Flying enabled!
  • Prepare for non-stop action with the new brawl, Battleground Blitz. This exciting addition will put Solo Queue RBGs to the test, providing a thrilling PvP experience for those brave enough to step into the arena.

We hope you're as excited as we are about the upcoming changes and additions! Patch 10.2 is shaping up to be an epic update that will breathe new life into the game. Stay tuned for more news and updates, and until then, happy gaming!


And that wraps up our coverage of the Icy Veins interview, where we got a glimpse into the exciting future of Patch 10.2. From customizations to class changes and exciting new content, it seems that the developers have big plans in store for us. Now, it's time to gear up, hone our skills, and get ready for the adventures that await us in the game. We hope you enjoyed this article and found it informative. As always, happy gaming, adventurers!

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