Limited Availability of Extra Character Slots Expected for Patch 10.2.7 - Mention Excluded

April 15, 2024 3 minutes

Hey there, WoW enthusiasts! Today, we have an update regarding the upcoming Patch 10.2.7 and the highly anticipated Remix: Mists of Pandaria. Unfortunately, it seems that Blizzard has removed the mention of additional character slots from their original announcement. This implies that the change won't be happening with Timerunning: Pandaria, at least for now.

In their original announcement, Blizzard had indicated that players would have access to additional character slots with Remix: Mists of Pandaria. This was exciting news for many, as players on normal realms are currently limited to a maximum of 60 characters per WoW account. With Remix requiring a fresh character, those who have already reached this limit would need to delete a character to enjoy the new game mode.

While it's still possible that Blizzard may implement this change in the future, it seems unlikely as they have removed any mention of additional character slots from their official announcement. PTR (Public Test Realm) changes frequently occur, but the removal of this specific information strongly suggests that the feature won't be available with Timerunning: Pandaria.

The Original Announcement and the Promise of Additional Character Slots

Let's take a moment to dive into the original announcement and see what Blizzard had initially promised for Remix: Mists of Pandaria. According to the original blog post:

"Create a new modern World of Warcraft character to undertake your adventures in Pandaria, collect a variety of powerful new items and transmogs, then take your transmogs with you when you continue your adventures in World of Warcraft®: The War Within™. Additional character slots will be available so that you have room for your new fully leveled and fully geared hero to join you in your continuing adventures through the Worldsoul Saga™. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event."

This announcement had players buzzing with excitement, as the prospect of additional character slots meant that they could fully explore the Remix game mode without sacrificing their existing characters. Being able to collect powerful new items and transmogs in Pandaria while keeping everything to continue their adventures in The War Within was a tempting proposition.

The Current Announcement and Its Absence of Additional Character Slots

However, things have changed since the initial announcement. The current announcement for Remix: Mists of Pandaria no longer includes any mention of additional character slots. Here's the updated statement:

"Create a new modern World of Warcraft character to undertake your adventures in Pandaria, collect a variety of powerful new items and transmogs, then take your transmogs with you when you continue your adventures in World of Warcraft®: The War Within™. All Remix characters created during the event will convert to a standard character to play within modern World of Warcraft at the end of the event."

While this change is disappointing for players who were looking forward to having extra character slots, it's important to remember that plans can evolve during the development process. Blizzard may have decided to scrap this feature due to technical limitations or other considerations.


Although the removal of additional character slots from the announcement blog for Remix: Mists of Pandaria is certainly a letdown, it doesn't diminish the excitement surrounding the upcoming game mode. Players will still have the opportunity to embark on new adventures in Pandaria, collect powerful items, and enjoy a fresh gameplay experience.

As always, Blizzard's willingness to listen to player feedback and make adjustments along the way ensures that World of Warcraft continues to evolve and provide exciting new experiences for its dedicated community. While we may not have additional character slots this time around, who knows what the future holds for Remix and other WoW expansions.

Keep an eye out for more updates on Remix: Mists of Pandaria, and until then, happy gaming!

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