Liveblogging the Deep Dive Panel at BlizzCon 2023

November 05, 2023 5 minutes

Welcome to the WoW: Deep Dive panel at BlizzCon 2023! Today, we're diving into all the exciting highlights of the event. Game Director Ion Hazzikostas is here to give us a comprehensive overview of the highly anticipated new features coming to World of Warcraft in the War Within expansion.

A New Outdoor Experience: Delves

In the War Within expansion, players can look forward to a new endgame activity called Delves. Similar to dungeons and raids, Delves offer a more structured and immersive experience for outdoor world-focused players. If you enjoy exploring the open world and uncovering its mysteries, Delves are designed to cater to your gameplay style.

Unlike traditional dungeons, Delves are not just about moving from one boss to another. They provide a seamless extension of the open world, allowing players to unravel mysteries and uncover treasures. While some Delves may include boss encounters, others will focus on exploration and discovery.

To add further excitement, Delves are tied to seasonal progression. With each new season, Delves will increase in difficulty and offer greater rewards. Additionally, players will have the opportunity to earn cosmetic rewards, such as silly hats, mushrooms, candles, and even a customizable flying machine mount.

  • Endgame Season Progression

Delves are an integral part of the endgame content cycle and are closely tied to seasonal progression. With each season, players can expect increased difficulty and new challenges. Season One will introduce Brann Bronzebeard as an NPC companion, who will assist players throughout their Delve adventures. Brann can be customized and geared up to complement players' playstyles and help them solve puzzles within the Delves.

In addition, Delves will offer chests that require keys obtained from activities outside of the Delves themselves. This ensures that Delves complement other open-world content rather than replace it. Furthermore, each of the twelve planned Delves will be themed around the ecology and zones of the WoW world, adding depth and immersion to the overall experience. There may even be a secret delve waiting to be discovered!

Warbands: Account-Wide Convenience

The War Within expansion also addresses the needs of players who enjoy playing multiple characters. The Warbands system aims to provide account-wide convenience by allowing easier transfer of currency between alts and eliminating clunky solutions like vendors.

Warbands will introduce the concept of Warbound Until Equipped items, which can't be sold or traded on the auction house but can be used by other characters on your account. This allows players to gear up their alts without funneling power to their mains.

Additionally, Warbands will offer account-wide features such as a giant reagent tab, which allows crafting with any of your characters. Transmog collections will also become account-wide, enabling Mages to unlock Plate items in their collections and Warriors to transmog them without having to refarm the armor type.

Reputations, Renowns, flight paths, and achievements will also be account-wide, further enhancing the convenience and flexibility of playing multiple characters.

Hero Talents: Deep Power Customization

The War Within expansion introduces a new Hero Talents system inspired by class fantasies and iconic heroes from WoW's history. This system allows players to customize their characters' power at a deeper level, offering increased complexity and flexibility without compromising the existing talent trees.

Each character will gain 10 new talent points as the level cap is raised by 10 in the War Within. The Hero Talent tree will be fully unlocked by level 80, granting players access to a range of powerful choices. Players will also have the ability to choose between different hero specs and choice nodes within the talent tree, allowing for diverse and customized gameplay experiences.

For example, a Balance Druid can choose between Keeper of the Grove, which focuses on treants, or Elune's Chosen, which enhances lunar abilities and has moon-themed effects. The Hero Talents system aims to nudge players' gameplay styles and allow them to further specialize in their desired playstyle.

Allied Race: Earthen

The War Within expansion introduces the new Earthen allied race. Unlike previous allied races, unlocking the Earthen is not tied to reputation grinds or other requirements. Players will simply need to play through the campaign, build trust with the Earthen, and have them join the Alliance or Horde. Yes, even the Horde will have access to Dwarves!

The Earthen will have access to every class except Druid, Demon Hunter, and Evoker.

Dragonriding: Dynamic Flight

Dragonriding, a popular feature introduced in the previous expansion, Dragonflight, is becoming the standard mode of transportation in the War Within. Now known as dynamic flight, players can soar through the skies on the backs of majestic dragons.

In Patch 10.2.5, dynamic flying will not only be available in the new expansion zones but will also be introduced to the old world. While not mandatory, players will need to complete the War Within campaign to unlock this feature. The majority of previously collected dragonriding glyphs will become default bonuses, ensuring a seamless transition to the new flight system.

PvP and Gameplay/Interface Improvements

PvP enthusiasts can look forward to a new 10v10 battleground called the Ringing Deeps. This mirrored map will feature two sides pushing mine carts for resources while battling over a central control point. The outcome of the control point will affect the momentum and strategy of the match.

As for gameplay and interface updates, the spellbook and talent systems will be modernized to enhance player convenience. The quest log will receive new filters, improved iconography, and increased colorblind support. Cross-realm guilds will also be introduced, allowing players to play with whoever they want, regardless of server or faction.


The War Within expansion brings exciting new features and enhancements that will revolutionize the World of Warcraft experience. From immersive outdoor content in the form of Delves to account-wide convenience with Warbands, players can look forward to a more engaging and enjoyable gameplay experience. The addition of Hero Talents, the Earthen allied race, and dynamic flying further expands the possibilities for customization and exploration. With the release of The War Within, Azeroth is set to enter a new era of epic adventures.

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