Mystical Impact - Limited-Time Achievement for Mysteries of Azeroth Event

September 10, 2023 4 minutes

Hey there, WoW gamers! Today we have some exciting news for you. The Secrets of Azeroth event has unveiled its second secret mount, and along with it, a time-limited Feat of Strength. If you want to earn this special achievement, you'll need to act fast - you only have a limited time today and early tomorrow to do so. Keep in mind that this Feat of Strength is separate from the Mimiron's Jumpjets mount, which can be crafted at any time once the Empowered Forge is permanently active. Let's dive into the details!

Obtaining the Feat of Strength - Arcane Influence

To obtain the Feat of Strength - Arcane Influence, you must participate in one of the remaining Empowering Forge events. During these events, you'll need to interact with one of the Power Source orbs scattered around Valdrakken and stay nearby when the Forge is activated. The Forge will be disturbed every 4 hours, and after 6 power-ups, it will become permanently empowered.

Note that you do not need to have completed any steps in the Secrets of Azeroth event to obtain this Feat of Strength. So even if you're jumping in now, you still have a chance to earn it!

  • Remaining Empowering Forge Events

As of the time of this post, one of the empowerment events has already passed. But don't worry, we've got you covered. Here are the times for the 5 remaining events in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) and Central European Summer Time (CEST). Make sure to convert the time if you're in a different time zone:

PDT Time CEST Time
September 10, 2 pm September 10, 11 pm
September 10, 6 pm September 11, 3 am
September 10, 10 pm September 11, 7 am
September 11, 2 am September 11, 11 am
September 11, 6 am September 11, 3 pm

Now that you know the schedule, mark your calendars and make sure you don't miss your chance to participate in these events!

How to Participate in the Event

In Valdrakken, you'll find an Arcane Forge that needs to be empowered by the Artisan's Market. You can easily locate the Artisan's Market on the zone map. Every 4 hours for the next 24 hours, the Forge will be disturbed, and it will be your job to carry Power Sources back to the Forge to power it up.

On your map, you'll notice Power Sources scattered around Valdrakken. Your goal is to retrieve these Power Sources and bring them back to the Arcane Forge. Here are a few things you need to know while performing this task:

  • Each regular Power Source adds 1 energy.
  • Each Massive Power Source adds 5 energy.

Keep in mind that while carrying a Power Source, your movement speed will be greatly reduced, and you'll drop the Orb after 20 seconds. If there are no players nearby, you can "toss" the orb to yourself to reset the 20-second timer. Thankfully, you can use movement speed abilities while carrying the Orb, but you won't be able to mount with them. Abilities like Burning Rush and Death's Advance that prevent movement speed reduction will be handy in countering the reduced speed from carrying the orb.

But be prepared, as Lightning Thief mobs will spawn and attempt to steal the orbs from you. If they succeed, they'll pick up an orb and attempt to return it to its original spot. However, if you manage to defeat the thief, the stolen orb will be returned to you.

  • Claiming Your Reward - Mimiron's Jumpjets Mount

Once the Arcane Forge is fully charged, you're ready to claim your well-deserved reward! Simply click on any Booster Part while you're near the forge, and you'll be granted the Mimiron's Jumpjets mount. So make sure you're prepared and in position when the Forge is fully charged!


There you have it, WoW adventurers! The Secrets of Azeroth event continues to unleash excitement with its second secret mount and the challenging Feat of Strength - Arcane Influence. Don't miss out on the remaining Empowering Forge events to earn this exclusive achievement. Participate in the event, carry the Power Sources, defend against Lightning Thieves, and claim your hard-earned Mimiron's Jumpjets mount. If you need further help with your adventures, check out our services, we're here to help! Best of luck on your journey!

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