New Insights: Exploring Hero Talents in The War Within

December 18, 2023 7 minutes

Blizzard has recently unveiled a sneak peek at the upcoming expansion, The War Within, introducing a new feature called Hero Talents to the world of World of Warcraft. These Hero Talents will serve as a never-ending form of character progression for each class specialization, offering new powers and class fantasies. In order to gather initial feedback and ensure an impactful and enjoyable addition to the game, Blizzard is sharing their goals for Hero Talents and seeking input from the community.

What Are Hero Talents?

Hero Talents are self-contained talent trees that become available to players at level 71. These new talent trees build upon current abilities and talents of each class and specialization. Players will be able to choose a single Hero Talent tree to activate on a character, which can be changed similar to how class talents can be currently swapped. Each class (excluding druids, who have four trees, and demon hunters, who have two) will have three Hero Talent trees to choose from. Each specialization will have access to two trees, with each tree being available to two different specializations.

For example, warriors will have three options for Hero Talent trees: Slayer, Colossus, and Mountain Thane. Fury warriors can choose between Mountain Thane and Slayer, Protection warriors can choose between Mountain Thane and Colossus, and Arms warriors can choose between Colossus and Slayer.

Each Hero Talent tree consists of 11 nodes. The first node is unlocked with the system at level 71, and players will earn 1 talent point per level from level 71 to 80, allowing them to acquire all talents in the tree by level 80. Starter builds for Hero Talents will be available, and saved builds will retain the chosen Hero Talent selections.

What to Expect from Hero Talents

Every Hero Talent tree begins with a "keystone" talent that introduces the core mechanics and concepts of the tree. This could involve a new ability, an enhancement to an existing ability or cooldown, or a new buff that can be triggered. At the bottom of each tree is a "capstone" talent that further builds upon the core themes of the tree or introduces new power to the keystone talent.

In addition to the unique features of each tree, all Hero Talents will offer or modify class utility and provide defensive bonuses that are beneficial to all specializations. Blizzard aims to balance the utility and defensiveness of all trees, with some focus on defensive bonuses for tank specced characters. Choice nodes will be present in each tree, allowing players to choose between two options at specific points.

The primary goal is for Hero Talents to add significant damage or healing throughput without overshadowing current class and spec tree talents. Visual effects will also be added to communicate the tree's abilities and bring class fantasies to life, while still maintaining the core identity of each class and specialization.

Maintaining Freedom to Choose

Blizzard wants players to have the freedom to choose the Hero Talent tree that aligns with their preferred gameplay, visuals, or flavor. The aim is for all options to feel equally effective in activities such as raid dungeons, Mythic+, and PvP. Blizzard is actively working to avoid abilities or bonuses that would make a specific tree feel mandatory in certain content. While some players prioritize total throughput, Blizzard prioritizes maintaining balance among Hero Talents so that players can play what they prefer and still be viable in any content.

How Hero Talent Concepts Were Chosen

Blizzard took various factors into account when selecting Hero Talent concepts. Each concept had to be suitable for both specializations that can utilize it. Some concepts build on overlapping abilities or flavors between two specializations, while others introduce new themes appropriate for both specializations.

Hero Talents also consider combat roles and gear compatibility, ensuring that players do not need to compete for new types of gear. Iconic character archetypes from Warcraft were considered, ensuring that specific class fantasies could be fulfilled. However, abilities that do not align with a class's toolkit were excluded.

Lastly, Blizzard identified character archetypes tied to specific races and factions, and aimed to make those archetypes accessible to characters of all races and factions. Feedback regarding what feels good for individual characters versus what is frustrating is greatly welcomed.

Gameplay and Hero Talents

Blizzard has established several goals for the gameplay experience with Hero Talents. These goals center around a class's capabilities, rotation, combat focus, and user interface. Hero Talents are designed to enhance a class's core identity, providing a twist or a boost to what players already enjoy about their favorite classes. The introduction of Hero Talents does not render existing abilities irrelevant or replace them entirely.

Hero Talent trees may introduce new behaviors or bonuses to existing abilities, such as enhancing or resetting cooldowns, or simplifying the maintenance of important buffs. Blizzard is cautious about adding complexity to the game and strives to keep the customization and playstyle manageable for players. Players will not need to add new buttons to their action bars or learn entirely new rotations. Most complexity will still reside in the class and spec talent trees.

Some Hero Talents may require certain talents from the class or spec talent trees in order to access their powers. This is done to maintain the flavor and theme of the specific Hero Talent tree. However, the requirement or enhancement is limited to a small number of talents, ensuring customization freedom in building a class.

Exciting times are ahead as Blizzard plans to share more about Hero Talents and gather feedback during the development process. Keep an eye out for future updates!

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