Discovering Dreadlord's Regalia Armor Set & Wings in Patch 10.2

September 20, 2023 2 minutes

We've discovered some intriguing new information during our latest exploration of the Patch 10.2 PTR build. Our data mining efforts have uncovered a stunning new armor set called the Dreadlord's Regalia, along with some mesmerizing animated wings. These additions have left the community buzzing with excitement and speculation. Although the origins and acquisition methods of this armor set are still shrouded in mystery, players eagerly await its potential arrival in the game.

The Return of the Dreadlords

The Nathrezim, commonly known as the Dreadlords, have recently reemerged in the Shadowlands as loyal servants of Sire Denathrius and the Jailer. However, with the Jailer's defeat, their allegiance has shifted solely to Denathrius. Despite this shift, the current whereabouts of Remornia, Denathrius, and the Dreadlords themselves remain unknown. The introduction of the Dreadlord's Regalia raises questions about their future role in World of Warcraft.

A Glimpse of the Dreadlord's Regalia

One notable discovery is an icon that depicts a pair of wings attached to a cloak, identified as part of the 'Dreadlord's Regalia' set. Currently, this item is not associated with any existing in-game items or spells. However, accompanying images showcase the full set, revealing its exquisite design and the captivating animation of the Dreadlord Wings cloak. The breathtaking visuals hint at the untold power and allure of this armor set.

Could this Signal the Next Expansion?

The recent revelations have prompted fervent speculation among the World of Warcraft community. Many wonder whether this new armor set and the potential return of the Dreadlords foreshadow events in the next expansion. The final episode of the Secrets of Azeroth Epilogue presented a thought-provoking theory suggesting that various cosmic forces, including Void, Fel, and Order, could join forces through an artifact concealed within Tyrhold.

One striking detail of this artifact is the presence of engraved languages associated with Order, Fel, and Void. The chest is sealed with an intricate magical seal, devoid of any visible seams or hinges. Considering the Nathrezim's past collaborations with different cosmic forces in Azeroth, such as their alliance with the Burning Legion (Fel) and Sire Denathrius (Death), one cannot help but wonder if this artifact could serve as their conduit for returning to the forefront of the game's narrative.

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