Over 2 Million Gamers Register for China's Relaunch of World of Warcraft

April 15, 2024 3 minutes

Within two days of NetEase announcing a partnership renewal to bring Blizzard games back to China, the response has been overwhelming. Over two million players have already pre-registered for the games, resulting in 147,000 reactivated accounts, and 92,000 recovered accounts. Additionally, Blizzard China has received over 1,000 resumes. These figures, officially reported by Blizzard China and translated by NasDa on Twitter, highlight the extreme appetite for World of Warcraft in China.

The Popularity of World of Warcraft in China

World of Warcraft has always had a strong fan base in China. It is estimated that 60% of all Classic WoW players are from China, according to Warcraft Logs. This popularity was evident when servers were shut down last year, and many players rerolled their accounts in new regions to continue playing. However, a significant number of players were left without access to the game they had invested many years into. While some decided to continue playing on Taiwanese realms, many expressed a strong desire to return to their original accounts and servers.

Despite the rerolls and the anticipation for The War Within, interest in Season 4 declined within this player base. This is partly due to NetEase's plans to introduce ways for players to re-earn missed rewards from Dragonflight, making the prospect of returning to their original accounts even more enticing. Although it is unlikely that Chinese servers will be up and running before the launch of The War Within, the future looks bright for World of Warcraft players in China.

The Excitement Builds

The enthusiasm of Chinese players for the return of World of Warcraft is evident in the response to NetEase's announcement. A new statue will be unveiled, featuring messages from players. Nearly one million messages have already been submitted, showcasing the dedication and passion of the Chinese player community.

Recovery of Accounts and Resumes Submitted

Out of the 147,000 reactivated accounts, players have shown overwhelming desire to return to their original accounts and servers. This highlights the strong emotional connection players have to their original characters, guilds, and accomplishments. Additionally, 92,000 accounts have been successfully recovered, further indicating the interest and dedication of Chinese World of Warcraft players.

Moreover, the fact that Blizzard China has received over 1,000 resumes demonstrates the excitement and potential career opportunities this renewal of partnership with NetEase has created. It is apparent that many individuals are eager to be a part of the WoW gaming community and contribute to its success in China.

Looking Towards the Future

While the reintroduction of Blizzard games in China is still in progress, the response from players indicates a promising future. The overwhelming number of pre-registrations and the eagerness to return to their original accounts and servers emphasize the strong affinity Chinese players have for World of Warcraft. As NetEase continues to collaborate with Blizzard, it is expected that the gaming experience for Chinese World of Warcraft players will only improve, providing an exciting future filled with new adventures.


The passion and dedication of Chinese World of Warcraft players cannot be denied. The overwhelming response to the announcement of the partnership renewal between NetEase and Blizzard highlights the deep connection players have with the game. With millions of pre-registrations and countless messages submitted for the new statue, the future looks bright for World of Warcraft players in China. As they eagerly await the return to their original accounts and hope for the launch of The War Within, it is clear that the love for this game is timeless.

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