Preparing for The Battle Within - Wowhead Economy Weekly Summary 317

March 03, 2024 5 minutes

Welcome to the 317th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up! In this week's blog post, we will be discussing how to prepare for the upcoming expansion, The War Within, as well as how to manage alts with profession combinations and racial bonuses. We will also be looking at the recent changes to gold making and the economy in Season of Discovery, and we have some great tips for Inscription in Wrath Classic. So, let's dive in and explore these topics!

How to Prepare for The War Within

As we eagerly await the release of The War Within, it's important to start thinking about how to prepare for the new expansion. While we may not know the exact details of what is to come, there are some general strategies that can help us get ready for the influx of new content.

  • 1. Level Up Alts with Professions

In order to maximize your gold making potential, it's a good idea to have multiple max-level alts with different professions. This allows you to cover a wide range of markets and be prepared for any changes in demand. It may be worth leveling up additional characters with professions that you haven't tried before, as this can provide you with a deeper understanding of different markets.

  • 2. Gather Materials

Gathering materials is often a lucrative strategy at the start of a new expansion. While the prices of materials may be high initially, you can take advantage of the demand by farming and stockpiling these resources. This can set you up for success when the expansion launches and prices skyrocket.

Additionally, having a max-level druid with mining and herbalism can be beneficial, as the druid's Flight Form makes gathering these resources much easier.

  • 3. Level Crafting Professions

Contrary to popular belief, leveling crafting professions can be highly profitable, especially at the beginning of an expansion. While the materials may be expensive, the gear you can craft can fetch high prices on the auction house. This is a great time to level up professions such as Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting, and Tailoring.

By leveling these professions early on, you can be one of the first to supply the auction house with high-demand items, leading to significant profits.

  • 4. Consider Time Constraints

It's important to consider how much time you have to dedicate to the game at the start of the expansion. If your time is limited, it may be best to focus on one or two professions that you can maximize for gold making. On the other hand, if you have the time and resources, having all professions ready to go can allow you to quickly adapt to changing markets.

Ultimately, the key is to be prepared and have a solid foundation in place before the expansion hits.

Waylaid Supplies & More Gold in Season of Discovery

Season of Discovery has seen some recent adjustments to the economy. Blizzard has reduced the cost of mounts and increased the base gold reward from questing while leveling. These changes can have a significant impact on the flow of gold in the game.

One particular adjustment that has had a massive effect on profits is the change to Waylaid Supplies. Prices for materials and finished items have skyrocketed, and many players are taking advantage of the new reputation system to level up and earn rewards. This has created a lot of activity in the market and increased demand for certain items.

While these changes can be beneficial for gold making, it's important to keep an eye on the market and adjust your strategies accordingly. Prices may fluctuate as more players engage in the new content, so be prepared to adapt to these shifts.

Spreading Professions on Alts & Racial Bonuses

When it comes to pairing professions and considering racial bonuses, there are a few factors to keep in mind. Some professions offer bonuses based on your character's race, which can impact your overall gold making potential. Here are some combinations to consider:

Profession Racial Bonus
Alchemy Goblin (+5)
Enchanting Blood Elf (+5)
Jewelcrafting Draenei (+5)
Blacksmithing Lightforged Draenei & Dark Iron Dwarf (+5)
Leatherworking Kul'Tiran (+2)
Herbalism, Mining, Skinning Dracthyr (+2% Perception)
Inscription Nightborne (+5)
Engineering Gnome (+5)
Tailoring Kul'Tiran (+2)
Mining Highmountain Tauren (+5) & 25% Deftness
Herbalism Tauren (+5) & 25% Deftness
Skinning Worgen (+5) & 25% Deftness

Pairing professions is also an important consideration. It's generally more efficient to have one character dedicated to gathering professions (mining/herbalism/skinning) and another character focused on production professions. This allows you to maximize your progress in both areas and make the most gold in the long run.

Of course, these suggestions may vary depending on your personal preferences and playstyle. It's important to find a balance that works for you and allows you to enjoy the game while making gold.

WotLK Classic Inscription

In Wrath Classic, Inscription can be a lucrative profession for gold making. With the introduction of tokens, there is a thriving economy and ample opportunities to profit. Seren Games has put together a great video guide on how to leverage Inscription for gold making in Wrath Classic.


As we look ahead to The War Within and the changes in Season of Discovery, it's clear that there are many opportunities for gold making in World of Warcraft. By preparing your alts with professions, considering racial bonuses, and staying on top of the evolving economy, you can position yourself for success.

No matter which strategies you choose to pursue, remember that flexibility and adaptability are key. Keep an eye on the market, and be ready to adjust your approach as new information becomes available.

We hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below. Until next time, happy gold making!

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