Recap of the WoW Deep Dive Panel at BlizzCon 2023

November 05, 2023 6 minutes

BlizzCon 2023 recently took place, and World of Warcraft fans were treated to some exciting announcements. One of the biggest highlights was the Deep Dive panel, where Game Director Ion Hazzikostas provided a detailed look into the upcoming expansion, The War Within. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key features discussed during the panel, including Delves, Warbands, Hero Talents, the Earthen allied race, dynamic flight, and PvP updates.

Introducing Delves

Delves, the latest addition to World of Warcraft, offers quick adventures for one to five players. These adventures can be enjoyed solo, with friends, or even as a full dungeon group. Unlike traditional dungeons and raids, Delves are integrated into the outdoor realm, allowing for greater variety and flexibility. At launch, there will be 12 Delves available in various locations throughout Khaz Algar, each offering a unique environment and set of challenges.

Lessons learned from previous content, such as Torghast, Islands, and Scenarios, have been applied to Delves to provide players with more choice and variety. These adventures can be completed in just 10-15 minutes and offer exciting rewards, including new seasonal items and NPC companions.

  • Just the Facts:

  • 10-15 minute adventures
  • Riddles, mysteries, and treasures to uncover in Khaz Algar
  • New Seasonal Rewards with a narrative tie-in and customizable NPC companions
  • Accessible without loading screens
  • Various rewards, including currency, gold, cosmetics, and more

Delves will be integrated into different zones in Khaz Algar, each with its own unique environment and set of inhabitants. Some of the Delve locations include Hallowfall, The Waterworks, and The Sinkhole. Each Delve will have multiple difficulty tiers, offering a range of rewards based on the level of challenge.

The Great Vault

The Great Vault is a new feature that adds a "World" category to the existing rewards system. For the first time, players participating in outdoor world activities can earn rewards from the Great Vault. Whether it's completing outdoor objectives or participating in Delves, players can unlock rewards based on the difficulty level completed. This allows players engaged in PvP to receive rewards directly, removing the need to access the Guild Vault.

The Great Vault offers a variety of exciting cosmetics, including unique helms like the fungarian hat, kobold helm with candles, and the menacing kobyss helm. Additionally, players can unlock a new customizable flying mount by participating in Delves.


Warbands is a new system aimed at improving the alt-friendly experience in World of Warcraft. This account-wide feature allows players to share items between all of their characters on a single account through the Warband Bank. Additionally, Warbound Items are bonus personal loot items that can be shared with alternative characters.

Other integrations include the expansion of the Transmogrification Collection, allowing players to add class-specific items to their collection on one character for use on other characters. Warband Reputations will also become available to all characters, meaning players won't need to grind reputation again on alternate characters. Flight paths, leveling up companion NPCs, and achievements will also be accessible to characters within a Warband.

Hero Talents

Hero talents are an exciting addition to World of Warcraft's class customization. Players will receive 10 new talent points for each of the 10 levels earned during The War Within. These talent points offer the opportunity to explore a deeper class fantasy and provide additional flexibility to suit different play styles.

Hero talents introduce three talent trees: Class, Hero, and Specialization. The Hero tree is where players can invest their 10 talent points, unlocking various nodes throughout the leveling process. The Keeper of the Grove and Elune's Chosen trees are available to Balance and Restoration druids, offering different choices and playstyles.

  • Hero Talent Trees:

Class Specialization Hero Tree 1 Hero Tree 2
Death Knight Rider of the Apocalypse San'layn
Hunter Sentinel Pack Leader
Druid Keeper of the Grove Elune's Chosen
Monk Master of Harmony Shado-pan
Shaman Stormbringer Farseer
Paladin Lightsmith Herald of the Sun
Warlock Soul Harvester Hellcaller

These are just a few examples of the Hero talent trees available. Each class specialization will have access to two out of the three Hero trees.

Earthen Allied Race and Dynamic Flight

The War Within expansion introduces the Earthen Allied Race, which players can unlock by completing the campaign and endgame questline. The Earthen race can join either the Horde or the Alliance and choose from a range of classes. Additionally, leveling this new Allied Race will unlock the Earthen Heritage Armor.

Dynamic flight is also making its debut in World of Warcraft. Players will have the option to toggle between dynamic flight and the flying style introduced in The Burning Crusade. Dynamic flight will be available in Khaz Algar from the start, while the classic flying style can be unlocked by exploring The War Within areas and completing the campaign. Glyphs will also be available for collection throughout Khaz Algar, ensuring players can access all flight abilities without needing to revisit previous expansions.

New Battleground and Interface Updates

A new battleground called The Ringing Deeps has been added, offering a 10v10 capture-point map. Inspired by Silvershard Mines, this battleground introduces some unique twists, adding to the excitement of PvP battles.

The interface has also received some updates, enhancing the overall user experience. The Spellbook has been redesigned for better usability, allowing players to view spells and talents in a larger, cleaner layout. Quest interface improvements include enhanced filtering options and the ability to hide or show objectives in the quest log. Icons have also been refined for a more polished appearance.

Cross-Realm Guilds

Cross-Realm Guilds is an exciting new feature that removes social barriers in World of Warcraft. Players can freely apply for guilds or recruit new members across realms. Mythic raiding will be available from the launch of The War Within, and the Hall of Fame will continue to commemorate top guilds without restricting access to game content. This change allows players to join their friends regardless of their realm, fostering a more inclusive and enjoyable gaming experience.

These are just a few of the exciting features showcased during the Deep Dive panel at BlizzCon 2023. The War Within expansion promises to deliver new adventures, customization options, and gameplay experiences for World of Warcraft players. Stay tuned for more updates as development progresses!

Final Thoughts

As World of Warcraft fans eagerly await the release of The War Within, the deep dive panel at BlizzCon 2023 provided a glimpse into the exciting features and updates coming to the game. Delves, Warbands, Hero Talents, the Earthen allied race, dynamic flight, and PvP enhancements are just a taste of what players can expect. With a renewed focus on player agency, flexibility, and replayability, The War Within is set to redefine the World of Warcraft experience. So buckle up and get ready for an epic new chapter in Azeroth!

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