Seedbloom Hotfix Implemented - Remember to Check Your Emerald Dream Mail

November 09, 2023 2 minutes

Hey there, adventurers! WowCarry here with some exciting news from Blizzard. It seems that they have addressed a bug that had been causing some frustration for players completing the weekly Blooming Dreamseeds quest. Let's dive into the details!

The Bug and the Fix

Previously, players were not receiving Seedbloom as a reward for completing the Blooming Dreamseeds quest. However, Blizzard has now hotfixed this issue and going forward, this quest should reward 1 Seedbloom as intended. No more missing out on this valuable currency!

But what about those who completed the quest before the hotfix was implemented? Fear not! Blizzard has taken care of that too. If you completed the quest prior to the fix, simply head over to the Emerald Dream and check your mail. The local postmaster should be sending out replacement Seedblooms, making sure you get what you rightfully earned.

Seedbloom is an important currency in the game, used for purchasing a variety of items such as mounts, pets, and transmog sets at different levels of renown with the Dream Wardens. It's definitely worth taking the time to complete the Blooming Dreamseeds quest to earn some Seedblooms.

What is the Blooming Dreamseeds Quest?

The Blooming Dreamseeds quest is a weekly quest that involves planting Dreamseeds within the Emerald Dream. By completing this quest, you will not only earn Seedbloom, but also gain access to a range of new activities and rewards.

  • The Rewards

Aside from the coveted Seedbloom currency, completing the Blooming Dreamseeds quest opens up a world of exciting rewards. Let's take a closer look:

  1. Mounts: With Seedbloom, you can purchase unique and powerful mounts that will surely turn heads as you traverse the realms. Whether it's a majestic mount to ride into battle or a whimsical creature to explore the lands, the Dream Wardens have something for every adventurer.
  2. Pets: If you're a pet collector, Seedbloom is essential for acquiring rare and exotic companions. From cute and cuddly critters to fearsome beasts, the Dream Wardens' menagerie has a pet for every taste.
  3. Transmog Sets: Want to upgrade your character's appearance? Seedbloom can be used to purchase stunning transmog sets that will make you stand out from the crowd. Look the part of a true hero with these stylish and powerful armor sets.

These are just some of the exciting rewards that await those who complete the Blooming Dreamseeds quest and collect Seedbloom. Make sure to check out our comprehensive guide for more information on all the activities and rewards available to you!


With the bug fix for the Blooming Dreamseeds quest, players can now expect to receive their well-deserved Seedbloom rewards. Whether you're interested in purchasing mounts, pets, or transmog sets, this valuable currency will help you on your journey through the game.

So, adventurers, don't miss out on this opportunity. Head over to the Emerald Dream, complete the weekly Blooming Dreamseeds quest, and start reaping the benefits of Seedbloom! Now's the time to conquer the 10.2 update content and WowCarry will help you with that, check out how here.

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