September 8th Hotfixes - Loamm Roamm Reverse Challenge, No Limits, and Quest Fixes

September 09, 2023 4 minutes

Greetings, fellow gamers! Today, we have some exciting news from Blizzard. They have recently made some updates to their hotfix blog, and we're here to give you all the details. So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of gaming updates!

Dragonriding Challenge: Loamm Roamm Reverse

One of the quests that has received a fix is the Loamm Roamm Reverse Dragonriding Challenge. Previously, players were encountering issues with the reward system for this challenge. Thankfully, Blizzard has rectified this problem, and the silver medals are now being awarded correctly once again. So, all you dragonriders out there, get ready to ride like never before!

Quest Adjustments

Blizzard has also made a few adjustments to some quests, providing a smoother gameplay experience for adventurers. Let's take a closer look at these changes:

  • “No Limits” Questline

For those who are eager to delve into Eternus's past, we have great news. The questline “No Limits” is now available without the requirement of completing the mega-dungeon Dawn of the Infinites. Chromie is ready to guide you on this thrilling journey, so get ready to uncover the secrets of Eternus!

  • “Stepping into the Shadows” Quest Issue

A minor issue with the quest “Stepping into the Shadows” has been addressed. Previously, players were confused as Maiev Shadowsong would point at invisible Felflame Braziers. However, Blizzard has fixed this problem, ensuring that Maiev now correctly directs you without any ghostly braziers causing confusion along the way.

  • Not Today, Fate: Nozdormu and Moraidormi

The quest "Not Today, Fate" had a couple of issues that have now been resolved. Moraidormi will no longer mysteriously disappear during your questing adventures, and Nozdormu will stealth more appropriately, adding an element of surprise to the quest. So, all you time-travelers, get ready to face the fate once again!

  • Demon Hunter's Order Hall Campaign

Demon Hunters can now continue with their Order Hall campaign without any hindrances. Previously, there was an issue where Demon Hunters were unable to interact with the Control Console. But fear not, for Blizzard has fixed this problem, allowing our demon-slaying heroes to resume their epic journey at The Fel Hammer.

  • “The Legend of Mechagon” Restored

Tinkmaster Overspark, the renowned tinkering genius, is visible once again. This means that the quest "The Legend of Mechagon" is now available to all players above level 60. Prepare to dive into the fascinating lore of Mechagon and uncover the hidden wonders of this legendary place!

World of Warcraft Classic Era

Blizzard has also addressed certain issues in the World of Warcraft Classic Era. Let's take a look at what changes they have made:

  • PvP Contribution Calculations

Weekly PvP contribution calculations in the Classic Era have been adjusted to ensure a fair and balanced gameplay experience. Previously, players in higher ranks were intentionally earning dishonorable kills to lower themselves below their current rank threshold. This allowed them to gain credit for an additional rank, effectively accelerating their progress. To address this, Blizzard has made a change where players will now first earn up to the amount of contribution points they're missing from their current rank. This change ensures that players won't have an unfair advantage by lowering their rank via dishonorable kills.

  • Alterac Valley Marks Turn-In

An unintentional bug was discovered in the Honor reward system for Alterac Valley marks turn-in quests. The Honor reward was being unintentionally doubled, leading to an imbalance in the gameplay. However, developers quickly jumped into action and fixed this bug, ensuring a fair and accurate reward system for all players.

And there you have it, folks! These are the latest updates from Blizzard's hotfix blog. We hope these adjustments enhance your gaming experience and make your quests more enjoyable. Remember to keep an eye out for future updates and patches, as Blizzard continues to make our gaming adventures as immersive as possible. Until then, happy gaming!

Final Thoughts

Blizzard's dedication to providing a quality gaming experience shines through in these latest updates. They have addressed various quest issues and made adjustments to ensure fair gameplay in both the modern and Classic Era of World of Warcraft. It's great to see developers actively working to improve the game and create a more enjoyable environment for all players. So, keep exploring the vast world of Azeroth and embrace the adventures that await you! And if you need help in overcoming challenges in the game, we're here to carry you through any of them.

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