Speculations on Story Expansion 11.0 from Leaked Data - (Spoilers)

September 30, 2023 4 minutes

From the recent Datamined Achievement Leaks, we learned of the Algarian Stormrider, a new mount likely coming from the Heroic edition of the upcoming 11.0 expansion bundle. While very little is known about the next expansion following Dragonflight, we can speculate about what this mount's name might mean or reveal about our future adventures in Azeroth. POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR THE 11.0 WOW EXPANSION. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

The Mystery of Algarian and Khaz Algar

Breaking down the first half of the new mount's name, Algarian, likely refers to someone from Khaz Algar, a new location we recently learned about in Dragonflight from the Observational Report: Earthen found within the Uldaman dungeon.

In the report, Titan Watchers dispatched a contingent of Earthen to investigate a fissure for geological anomalies in Sector AR-938. However, these Earthen fell under the influence of flesh and began displaying behaviors and transformations similar to the dwarves currently known in-game today. These flesh-cursed Earthen began calling the sector Khaz Algar, similar to the dwarven kingdom we're familiar with Khaz Modan or Ironforge.

The exact nature of what this new subset of dwarf-like people looks like remains a mystery, especially with the limited knowledge of the area as well as the diverse nature of Earthen in general. Be sure to check out our breakdown of all the new lore books mysteries in the updated Uldaman.

The Potential Meaning of Stormrider

Now that we know we might be looking at a dwarven civilization, let's look at the potential for what a stormrider might be. Looking at the database of WoW NPCs named Stormrider, there's only a handful of options and even fewer that seem relevant.

  • Storm Elementals

If looking for the literal name, only one NPC shows up, Stormrider, a storm elemental found in the Storm Peaks of Northrend relatively close to the titan complex of Ulduar and prison of the Old God Yogg-Saron. This titan complex is home to many Earthen constructs that have been corrupted by the Old God as well as Algalon the Observer, a constellar who was charged by the titan Pantheon to watch over the planet of Azeroth.

While an elemental might feel like a longshot as a reference to an undiscovered dwarven civilization, remember that the Wildhammer Dwarves have a long history as elemental shaman, especially to storm and lightning via their gryphon riders. These riders would sling storm bolts from their stormhammers to stun and devastate their foes from above.

In addition, we recently previewed the Blizzcon 2023 In-Game Goodies & Swag and a new elemental mount was teased with the tagline "AND MORE TO BE REVEALED". The Heroic edition mount and the one given away for Blizzcon attendees are unlikely to be the same, but it is possible that both mounts will have similar looks and could represent different elements or even just have different tints.

  • Wildhammer Dwarves

One specific NPC with a similar title is Stormrider Telmin, a Wildhammer Dwarf found on the Howling Isles of Stormsong Valley close to the Shrine of the Storm in Battle for Azeroth. Telmin is calling a Slumbering Tempest with his gryphon's Stormflash and Sparkbeak nearby.

While not a particularly prominent NPC as a simple objective for the In the Shadow of the Kraken world quest, the NPC does give a dwarven example of a Wildhammer Stormrider. Could it be as simple as translating this NPC for the dwarves of Khaz Algar?

Dwarven Cosmetics Datamined

The coincidences of Storm-related dwarves continue to stack up as we datamined several Dwarven-themed items in this week's build; new cosmetics not only for the Trading Post but also some account-bound cosmetic appearances with some interesting names. The Dwarven Crown Splitter will likely be a future Trading Post offering due to its associated Trader's Tender cost. Arsenal: Stormrider's Stormhammers, Wildhammer Scout's Headgear, and Regal Gryphon Rider's Headgear account-bound appearances have also been datamined, though we don't currently have previews of these items.

Iridikron & the Old Gods

While this should all be taken as complete speculation, the evidence does seem to be mounting that we could be visiting the dwarves of Khaz Algar. How would this relate to the current narrative of Dragonflight?

When last we saw Iridikron in the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon, he had absconded through a void portal with the essence of Galakrond he siphoned into a Dragon Soul-like relic. But to what end?

Iridikron seeks to unmake the creations of the Titans and pry Azeroth away from the Titan's grasp. An alliance with the Old Gods could prove fruitful where Iridikron locates Khaz Algar and the Old Gods mutate the curse of flesh to unmake the denizens of Azeroth or steal away the sleeping titan for the Void prompting a return of the Titans and a chance at revenge.

Okay, all of this might be a bit of a stretch, but it's not impossible either, right?

Sword of Sargeras in Silithus

Could we finally be dealing with the Sword of Sargeras in Silithus? What secrets does the dwarven kingdom of Khaz Algar hold? We'll just have to wait and see with Blizzcon on the horizon with just over a month to go. In the meantime, why not grab a smooth Mythic raid run with WowCarry? With little time left before the new update and new raiding environment, it's the efficient use of your game time that matters, so go snatch those tier sets you're missing and with our help, the journey will be akin to a walk in the park! We'll see you in the next one!

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