Steady Gold Gains in Less Time - Wowhead Economy Weekly Recap 310

January 14, 2024 4 minutes

Hello! Welcome to the 310th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up! In this blog post, written by WowCarry, we will explore various strategies and methods for making steady gold in World of Warcraft with minimum time investment. We will also discuss an interesting addon that allows you to see how much gold other players have. So, let's dive in and discover new ways to earn gold in the game!

Roundup of 2023

Penguin2gt, a well-known figure in the gold-making community, has put together a video highlighting the favorite gold-making items of 2023 from different gold makers, including myself. It's fascinating to see how everyone has their own unique approach to making gold. That's the beauty of gold making - you can tailor your strategies to suit your preferences and playstyle. Personally, I'm curious to try out Penguin's cooking methods, as it's a profession I've neglected in the past.

Steady Gold, Minimum Time

Many players prefer making gold without investing a significant amount of time actively playing the game. These methods usually require some initial setup, but once that groundwork is laid, the gold-making process can be quick and efficient. In Shadowlands, we had the Mission Tables, and now in the current expansion, we have Profession cooldowns that offer similar opportunities.

One player, u/icarusgamers, shared their experience with using the venture plan to make a substantial amount of gold in a short period. They would AFK on their tank main, tabbing back in only for call to arms speedruns, and then listing the augment runes obtained from these runs on the Auction House. While this method may not be the most efficient anymore due to changes in the augment rune market, it served as a low-investment way for them to make a decent amount of gold.

Another player, Pyromelter, suggests utilizing Tailoring and Alchemy cooldowns, along with alts for community feasts, as a way to generate a steady stream of gold. By utilizing profession cooldowns and engaging in weekly activities, they estimate a profit of several hundred thousand gold per week. This method requires some setup and alt management, but it can be a reliable way to make gold with minimal active time investment.

  • Recommended Strategies:

  • Dracothyst cooldowns
  • Tailoring cloth cooldowns
  • Daily cobraskin skins
  • Agricultural community feasts
  • Wealthy elites weekly quests
  • Dragonriding races and World Quests (time-for-money exchange)
  • Previous expansion mission tables (especially with Shadowlands sanctums)

  • Things to Avoid:

  • Bot-infested farming spots
  • Excessive reliance on farming

While there may be fewer opportunities compared to previous expansions, there are still various ways to generate passive income in World of Warcraft. It's a matter of finding the methods that suit your playstyle and preferences.

Wealth Audit

Genjuwow, the creator of the popular addon CraftSim, has developed an interesting addon called WealthAudit. This addon allows you to compare the gold wealth of other players using the inspect/compare statistics achievement feature within the game. It provides a handy interface where you can see how much gold other players have accumulated. It's a fun little tool that offers insight into the economy of WoW and the spending habits of players.

Encrypted Twilight Text Gold Flip

Here's an intriguing niche market opportunity for those interested in vendor flipping. The quest turn-in item, Encrypted Twilight Text, can be obtained for a low price from the Auction House or farming spots. The key is to acquire these texts at a cost lower than the vendor sell price. By turning in these texts to Hermit Ortell in Chromie Time at level 58, players can profit from the increased gold reward. This method can yield a significant amount of gold per hour, especially if texts are purchased at a low price from the Auction House.

  • Profitable Steps:

  1. Gather Encrypted Twilight Texts from various sources (e.g., quests, Auction House)
  2. Purchase texts for a price lower than the increased vendor sell price
  3. Turn in texts to Hermit Ortell in Chromie Time at level 58
  4. Profit from the increased gold reward

It's important to note that this method may not be as effective on all servers, as the availability and price of Encrypted Twilight Texts can vary. However, with some luck and careful monitoring of the market, it can be a profitable endeavor.


In this blog post, we explored various strategies and methods for making steady gold in World of Warcraft with minimum time investment. From utilizing Profession cooldowns to exploiting niche markets, there are numerous opportunities to generate passive income in the game. Additionally, the WealthAudit addon provides an interesting way to gauge the wealth of other players and gain insight into the economy of WoW. Remember, gold making is a dynamic and ever-changing field, so it's essential to stay informed and adapt to new opportunities. We hope you found this information useful in your gold-making endeavors. Until next time, happy goldmaking!

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