Sword and The War Within Apparel Now Available on Blizzard Gear Store

November 05, 2023 1 minute

If you were a fan of the WoW Deep Dive panel during BlizzCon and couldn't help but notice Ion Hazzikostas' "What Sword" shirt, then you'll be delighted to know that you can now purchase your very own from the Blizzard Gear Store. Blizzard has recently added two exclusive WoW-themed shirts to their collection, including "What Sword?" and "The War Within Key Art T-Shirt".

The War Within Key Art T-Shirt

One of the newly added shirts is "The War Within Key Art T-Shirt", which is available for $30 on the Blizzard Gear Store. This shirt features updated models and poses of Thrall, Alleria, and Anduin, as depicted in the official key art. It's a fantastic way to show your appreciation for these iconic characters and their involvement in the ongoing story.

What Sword T-Shirt

Another shirt that has been added to the Blizzard Gear Store is the "What Sword?" t-shirt, priced at $35. This shirt has become quite popular within the WoW community over the years, thanks to its meme status. The phrase "What Sword?" has often been used humorously to poke fun at the prominence of swords throughout the game. However, it seems that the sword will have a significant role in the upcoming Worldsoul Saga, so it's an item that players can no longer ignore.

If you're attending BlizzCon, you even have the chance to take a picture next to the infamous sword. It's a great opportunity for fans to capture a memorable moment and showcase their excitement for the Worldsoul Saga.

By purchasing these shirts from the provided product links, a portion of the sales will go towards supporting Wowhead's site operations, so you'll not only be getting some awesome apparel, but also contributing to the WoW community.

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