Swords and The Inner War Shirts newly available on Blizzard Gear Store!

November 05, 2023 2 minutes

If you loved the famous "What Sword" shirt worn by Ion Hazzikostas during the WoW Deep Dive panel, then you're in luck! Blizzard has recently added two WoW-themed shirts to their official store, and now you can purchase your very own. The Blizzard Gear Store is now featuring the "What Sword?" shirt and "The War Within Key Art T-Shirt" for all World of Warcraft fans to enjoy.

What Sword? in the Blizzard Gear Store

One of the new additions to the Blizzard Gear Store is the "What Sword?" shirt. Priced at $35, this shirt has become a well-known and ongoing meme within the WoW community. For years, players have joked about the mysterious invisible sword that is frequently referenced in the game. However, it seems that the sword will finally have a role to play in the upcoming Worldsoul Saga. In fact, BlizzCon attendees even had the opportunity to take their picture next to the infamous sword.

If you've been following the WoW community closely, you'll know that the "What Sword?" shirt is a must-have item for any true fan. Now you can proudly display your knowledge and love for the game with this iconic shirt.

The War Within Shirt in the Blizzard Gear Store

Another incredible addition to the Blizzard Gear Store is "The War Within Key Art T-Shirt." Priced at $30, this shirt showcases the updated models and poses of three beloved characters: Thrall, Alleria, and Anduin. These characters are prominently featured in the official key art for the upcoming expansion, displaying their strength and determination.

With its eye-catching design, this shirt is the perfect way to express your enthusiasm for the World of Warcraft universe. Whether you're a long-time player or a newcomer to the game, "The War Within Key Art T-Shirt" allows you to proudly display your love for these iconic characters.

By purchasing these shirts through the above product links, you are not only owning a piece of WoW merchandise but also supporting Wowhead's site operations. A portion of the sales from these shirts will go towards maintaining and improving Wowhead, a valuable resource for the WoW community.

Final Thoughts

The addition of the "What Sword?" shirt and "The War Within Key Art T-Shirt" to the Blizzard Gear Store is a treat for World of Warcraft fans everywhere. These shirts allow players to display their passion for the game and its iconic elements, from the ongoing meme of the invisible sword to the powerful characters at the center of the game's narrative.

Whether you're attending a gaming convention or simply want to show off your love for WoW in your everyday life, these shirts are a fantastic choice. So head over to the Blizzard Gear Store and grab your own "What Sword?" shirt and "The War Within Key Art T-Shirt" today!

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