Top Drop Locations for Plunderstorm - Skip the Right Side of the Map

March 24, 2024 5 minutes

Welcome to the world of Plunderstorm! In this exciting game, your drop location is crucial to your success. Today, WowCarry is here to guide you to the best drop locations on the Arathi Highlands map. Choosing the right drop location can mean the difference between victory and defeat, so let's get started!

Best Drop Locations in Plunderstorm

When it comes to drop locations in Plunderstorm, each spot offers a different mob density, and the faster you can eliminate mobs, the better off you'll be. Mobs not only provide valuable loot but also grant experience points. Falling behind in experience early on can have a significant impact on your late-game performance, so it's crucial to pay attention to the farm.

However, it's not just about what's in the drop location that matters. How you leave that location is equally important. In Battle Royale games, the process of leaving the initial drop location and finding a new area is called "rotation." Finding drop locations with good rotations is key to ensuring a smooth transition from early to mid-game.

Popular Drop Locations

These popular drop locations, marked in red, are usually filled with experience and loot. However, they are also highly contested by other players, so be prepared for a fight:

Drop Location Description
Stormgarde This massive PoI offers plenty of space for multiple teams. Expect intense battles after claiming your own section. Numerous options are available for your next move once you decide to leave Stormgarde.
Newstead A smaller area compared to Stormgarde, Newstead still offers a good amount of mobs and loot. After clearing out Newstead, consider heading to the graveyard in the south where you can find a couple of gold chests.
Ar'gorok This PoI is known for its abundance of rares and loot. While it can be popular, there are enough elites to share with other players. Don't forget to check out the rares in the towers!
Dabyrie's Farmstead Despite not offering a lot in terms of loot, this spot is still a popular choice for some players. If you're looking for a fight, Dabyrie's Farmstead might be the right place to land.
Hammerfall Similar to Ar'gorok, Hammerfall is filled with rares and loot. However, keep in mind that this side of the map has slow rotations and limited opportunities for leveling. You might need to rely on solo mobs in the open, which can be slower and less efficient compared to the left side of the map.
Go'shek Farm This central location is one of the hottest drops on the map. Prepare for a fight if you choose to land here. While there are some rares present, the loot may not be enough to satisfy the large number of players landing at this location.

Good Drop Locations

These drop locations, marked in green, offer a decent balance of mobs, loot, and rotations. They are less congested compared to the popular spots:

  • West Lumber Mill

Located here, you'll find two elites and a decent number of mobs. Additionally, there are usually several chests in the nearby area to explore.

  • Horde Outpost on Hill

This location offers a moderate mob density, along with chests and elites. Depending on where other players choose to land, you can rotate to the north, south, or east.

  • Ar'gorok Mine

One of the two mines on the map, the Ar'gorok Mine provides a good combination of chests, elites, and mob density. It is often an underrated drop location.

  • Circle of Elements

The Circle of Elements is an excellent drop location, with plenty of elites and mobs to help you level up. It is centrally located, allowing you the freedom to choose your next destination after clearing the area.

  • Stormgarde Mine

Similar to the Ar'gorok Mine, Stormgarde Mine offers ample supplies to level up and transition into the mid-game smoothly.

  • Southern River

Despite not being marked on the map, the Southern River is a surprisingly good location. It provides elites and high-value chests (blue/purple) that can boost your skills early on. Don't miss out on this hidden gem!

  • Alliance Camp

Compared to other PoIs, the Alliance Camp falls a bit short in terms of mobs and loot. It is also slightly separated from other nearby drop locations. Choose this spot only if alternatives are not available.

Okay Drop Locations

These drop locations, marked in yellow, are decent options, but they are not as contested as the popular ones. They may lack optimal loot or rotations:

  • North-West corner

In the North-West corner, you'll find a few elites, but the remaining mobs are spread out. Rotating to Ar'gorok is your only viable option from this location.

  • Western Camps

Both of the western camps offer an okay drop. There are usually a few elites and a decent number of mobs. If other players neglect these areas, you can seize the opportunity to claim the loot.

  • North-East Elementals

Highly challenging in the early game, the North-East Elementals provide a high number of elites. However, their attacks deal significant damage and are hard to dodge. After clearing this area, there are limited options nearby, leaving your mid-game in a disadvantaged state.

  • Southern Ogres

Not a preferred drop location for many players, the Southern Ogres offer an alright experience. However, once you clear out the ogres, there are limited options nearby, unless the river is unclaimed.

Avoid These Locations

Unless absolutely necessary, steer clear of Witherbark Village. The mobs in this area are spread out and possess annoying abilities, such as casting CC totems or ranged spells. Moreover, there is nothing to do once you've cleared the area, leaving you at a significant disadvantage.


Choosing the right drop location in Plunderstorm can make or break your game. Consider factors such as mob density, loot availability, and rotations when selecting your drop spot. Be strategic, adapt to the situation, and best of luck on your journey to victory!

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