Treasure Chest: Now Back in Stock for Level 60+ Characters

September 21, 2023 2 minutes

Written by WowCarry

Brewfest 2023: Exciting Rewards and Updates

With Brewfest now live in Europe, players are diving into the festivities and discovering all the exciting rewards and updates that this year's event has to offer. One of the main highlights of Brewfest is the Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest, a highly coveted bag of rewards. Initially, there was a limitation that only level 70 characters could obtain this epic bag. However, Blizzard has recently released a hotfix, allowing characters who are level 60 and above to access the Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest.

New Rewards and Level Requirements

It's interesting to note that the availability of rare reward bags, such as the Heart-Shaped Box and the Loot-Filled Pumpkin, typically follows a pattern where characters at the level cap of the previous expansion can obtain them. This means that any character at level 60 or above during Dragonflight, the previous expansion, would be eligible.

The Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest contains a variety of highly sought-after items. Some of the items that players can hope to find inside include:

  • Great Brewfest Kodo - A majestic mount that allows players to ride in style throughout Azeroth.
  • Swift Brewfest Ram - Another impressive mount that showcases your commitment to the Brewfest festivities.
  • Direbrew's Remote - A useful item that grants access to Coren Direbrew's hideout, allowing players to engage in epic battles and claim valuable rewards.
  • Tremendous Tankard O' Terror - A powerful mace that boosts your combat abilities and provides additional benefits during battles.
  • Terrific Tankard O' Terror - An upgraded version of the Tremendous Tankard O' Terror, offering even more potent combat bonuses.
  • Direbrew's Bloodied Shanker - An epic weapon that strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies, with its deadly power and unique abilities.
  • Renewed Proto-Drake Brewfest Armor - An impressive equpment for your Renewed Proto-Drake that showcases your dedication to Brewfest and adds a touch of flair to your adventures in the skies.

It's worth noting that players who are at level 60 to 69 can also acquire the new Brewfest Armor, introduced specifically for the year 2023. This trendy apparel not only provides fashionable protection but also enhances your appearance during the festivities.

Enjoy Brewfest to the Fullest

With Brewfest in full swing, it's time to raise a mug, celebrate with friends, and make the most of this joyous event. Whether you're participating in the various activities, engaging in epic battles, or collecting unique rewards, Brewfest offers something for every adventurer. Don't miss out on the chance to immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Final Thoughts

Brewfest 2023 brings an array of exciting rewards and updates to World of Warcraft. With the recent hotfix allowing lower-level characters to obtain the Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest, players of all levels can now enjoy the thrill of opening this epic bag. So, gather your friends, hop on your mounts, and embrace the festive spirit as Brewfest takes Azeroth by storm! Have some fun on Brewfest Festival before diving in the new content of Guardians of the Dream patch!

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