Turbulent Timeways Arrives Today - Five Weeks of Timewalking, Fresh Mount, XP Potion

September 26, 2023 6 minutes

Welcome to the Season 2 Turbulent Timeways event in World of Warcraft! This event brings two exciting additions: a new mount called the Sandy Shalewing and a new XP potion called Distilled Knowledge of Timeways. Let's take a closer look at what this event has to offer.

New Mount: Sandy Shalewing

The highlight of the event is the Sandy Shalewing mount. To obtain this mount, players must complete the achievement called Master of the Turbulent Timeways. This achievement requires players to gain Mastery of Timeways during five different weeks of the Turbulent Timeways events. Mastery of Timeways can be obtained by using the Distilled Knowledge of Timeways potion, which is rewarded for completing a Timewalking dungeon during the event. So, players will need to complete at least four Timewalking dungeons to transform their Knowledge of Timeways into Mastery of Timeways. The Sandy Shalewing mount is a beautiful creature with wing patterns that resemble sand flowing through an hourglass.

Timewalking Rotation and Rewards

For the Dragonflight Season 2 Turbulent Timeways event, the first Timewalking event will feature Cataclysm dungeons. The full rotation for this event includes:

  1. Cataclysm Timewalking: September 26th to October 2nd
  2. The Burning Crusade Timewalking: October 3rd to October 9th
  3. Legion Timewalking: October 10th to October 16th
  4. Mists of Pandaria Timewalking: October 17th to October 23rd
  5. Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking: October 24th to October 30th
  6. Cataclysm Timewalking: September 27th to October 3rd
  7. The Burning Crusade Timewalking: October 4th to October 10th
  8. Legion Timewalking: October 11th to October 17th
  9. Mists of Pandaria Timewalking: October 18th to October 24th
  10. Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking: October 25th to October 31st

During the event, players who are level 70 can also complete a weekly Timewalking quest to earn a piece of heroic loot from Aberrus. It's a great opportunity to gear up!

Dragonflight Season 3?

With Dragonflight Season 1 ending, many players are speculating about the start of Dragonflight Season 2. There is a possibility that Blizzard may release Dragonflight Season 3 on November 7th, right after the BlizzCon 2023 weekend. This is an exciting prospect for players who are eager to continue their adventures into the next season.

Official Announcement

Blizzard has officially announced the Turbulent Timeways event with the following statement:

"Once more, the Bronze Dragonflight has discovered growing disturbances in the timeways, with several rapidly intersecting our own! Beginning the week of September 26, Timewalk through a previous expansion each week for five consecutive weeks. This grand tour through World of Warcraft's past will start with Cataclysm and end with Wrath of the Lich King."

Additionally, during the event, the Timewalking quest in Valdrakken from Kazra will offer an increased reward in the form of a Heroic level Cache of Vault Treasures with high-level items. Make sure to take advantage of this special reward during the Turbulent Timeways event.

Week of September 26: Cataclysm Timewalking

The first week of the Turbulent Timeways event is dedicated to Cataclysm Timewalking. Players can venture into the Firelands raid dungeon to take on the elemental lord Ragnaros and his cohorts. There are also six Cataclysm dungeons available to explore:

Dungeon Name
The Stonecore
Lost City of the Tol'vir
The Vortex Pinnacle
Throne of the Tides
End Time
Blackrock Caverns

Players will have the opportunity to earn loot appropriate for their level and gear, and there's even a chance for rare mounts to drop during the dungeons. It's the perfect time to relive the excitement of Cataclysm content.

Week of October 3: The Burning Crusade Timewalking

In the second week of the Turbulent Timeways event, players can delve into The Black Temple raid and face off against Illidan and his cohorts. It's a chance to relive the epic battles of The Burning Crusade expansion. Additionally, there are several Burning Crusade dungeons available to explore:

Dungeon Name
Magister's Terrace
The Blood Furnace
The Botanica
The Shattered Halls
The Underbog

Defeat the bosses in these dungeons to earn rewards suitable for your level, including reputation with various factions. It's an opportunity to collect transmog sets and other valuable rewards.

Week of October 10: Legion Timewalking

In the third week of the Turbulent Timeways event, players can venture into Legion dungeons and face off against iconic bosses from the Legion expansion. This is a chance to earn new rewards and reputation with Legion factions. The Legion dungeons available during this week are:

Dungeon Name
Black Rook Hold
Court of Stars
Darkheart Thicket
Eye of Azshara
Neltharion's Lair
Vault of the Wardens

Take on the challenges of these dungeons to earn valuable loot and reputation. Visit the Timewalking vendor Aridormi in Dalaran to exchange your hard-earned Timewarped Badges for some tempting rewards.

Week of October 17: Mists of Pandaria Timewalking

In the fourth week of the Turbulent Timeways event, players can revisit the exciting dungeons of Mists of Pandaria. Here are the dungeons available during this week:

Dungeon Name
Temple of the Jade Serpent
Stormstout Brewery
Shado-Pan Monastery
Mogu'shan Palace
Gate of the Setting Sun

During this week, Mistweaver Xia can be found on the Timeless Isle, ready to exchange your Timewarped Badges for exciting rewards, including mounts, reputation tokens, toys, and more!

Week of October 24: Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking

The final week of the Turbulent Timeways event takes players back to the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The highlight of this week is the Ulduar raid, where players can face off against Yogg-Saron and other iconic bosses. The dungeons available during this week are:

Dungeon Name
Azjol Nerub
Halls of Lightning
The Forge of Souls
The Nexus
Utgarde Keep

Take on the challenges of these dungeons to earn valuable loot and reputation. Don't forget to visit the Timewalking vendor to claim your rewards.

Mark your calendars and gather your friends to embark on these epic Timewalking adventures. Don't miss out on this opportunity to relive the past and earn exciting rewards. The products from WowCarry will enhance your experience at the Turbulent Timeways event.

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