Uncovering the Enigma of the Nerubians in The War Within

December 20, 2023 5 minutes

Nerubians have formed an alliance with Xal'atath, the Harbinger, in The War Within, the highly anticipated expansion of World of Warcraft. In this expansion, players will encounter a new breed of nerubians that have evolved and developed unique characteristics since their appearance in Wrath of the Lich King. In order to fully appreciate and understand the significance of this alliance, let's take a closer look at the history of the nerubians and how they differ from their predecessors.

Ancient Origins

The nerubians, an insectoid-like race, are descendants of the aqir. These creatures evolved from organic matter that seeped out of the Old Gods, ancient and powerful entities in the Warcraft universe. The aqir eventually divided into distinct races, with their evolution influenced by the proximity to different Old Gods. The nerubians, who settled in the northern regions, were shaped by the influence of Yogg-Saron, one of the Old Gods.

Other aqir races include the qiraji, who evolved near C'Thun, and the mantid, who emerged near Y'Shaarj's essence. Each race developed their own unique traits and characteristics based on the Old God they were closest to.

The War of the Spider

During the rise of the Lich King, then known as Ner'zhul, in Northrend, the nerubians proved to be a formidable adversary. They possessed an immunity to domination magic, which made them difficult to control. In the ensuing War of the Spider, the Lich King's forces struggled against the nerubians, whose vast underground kingdom of Azol'Nerub sprawled beneath the continent of Northrend.

Ultimately, the Lich King claimed victory by invading and destroying their home, causing it to collapse on top of the nerubians. Although the nerubians were immune to the undead plague, the Lich King was able to raise their corpses as undead servants to bolster his armies. Many of the nerubians encountered during Wrath of the Lich King, such as Anub'arak, the last King of the nerubians, are undead servants of the Lich King.

However, not all nerubians suffered this fate. The Azjol-anak Battleguards, led by Kilix the Unraveler, are still-living nerubians who survived the war and can be found in Dragonblight. Some nerubians even left Northrend altogether, as evidenced by the island of Skittering Hollow, inhabited by the Voru'kar. These still-living nerubians have their own unique stories and perspectives, offering glimpses into the diversity and complexity of their race.

The Nerubians in The War Within

The nerubians featured in The War Within expansion have undergone further evolution and no longer reside in Northrend. Their new kingdom, Azj-Kahet, is described by Blizzard as the "last kingdom of the nerubians." Ruled over by Queen Ansurek, Azj-Kahet has joined forces with Xal'atath, the Harbinger.

An interesting aspect of Xal'atath's alliance with the nerubians is the impact she has had on their evolution. This suggests that Xal'atath may be an Old God herself, as proximity to Old Gods was previously shown to influence the evolution of the aqir. In exchange for their loyalty, Xal'atath has granted the nerubians the means to undergo a dark evolution, turning them into formidable and fearsome soldiers.

  • War with the Arathi of Hallowfall

The nerubians of Azj-Kahet find themselves engaged in a war with the Arathi of Hallowfall, another zone in The War Within. This conflict has motivated Queen Ansurek to accept Xal'atath's "gifts." The capital city of the nerubians, known as the City of Threads, has been continuously rebuilt over the years, resulting in a class-based society. The wealthiest and most favored nerubians reside in the upper areas of the city, while the poor and mistrusted occupy the lowest sections.

  • Searching for the Black Blood

Under Xal'atath's guidance, the nerubians are collecting the Black Blood of the Old Gods, which flows deep within the cracks of the world. The purpose of this gathering remains unknown, but speculations suggest its potent and corruptive nature. Saronite, an ore created from the blood of Yogg-Saron, has the ability to corrupt anything it touches and transmit Yogg-Saron's whispers to those who come into contact with it. This hints at the potential power and danger the Black Blood possesses.

In an Old God timeline known as Azq'roth, accessed through Time Rifts, adventurers can uncover a Chipped Stone Tablet describing a Hunger Games-like event to please "The Ancient One." This creature, believed to be the Old Gods' greatest creation, can be summoned by collecting enough of its blood. If the Ancient One's blood can resurrect this creature, it's conceivable that the blood of the Old Gods can rejuvenate them as well. However, not all nerubians may share in the desire to bring back their former masters. Resistance forces opposing Xal'atath and the Queen offer a glimpse of hope, and it's likely players will aid this force in their quest.

While the possibility of a nerubian allied race may seem like wishful thinking, it's clear that the nerubians play a significant role in The War Within expansion. Their complex history, ongoing conflict, and dark evolutionary journey make them a captivating addition to the World of Warcraft saga. Players can look forward to uncovering more about the nerubians and the consequences of their alliance with Xal'atath as they dive into this immersive expansion.

Final Thoughts

The inclusion of nerubians in The War Within expansion adds depth and intrigue to the World of Warcraft universe. The further evolution of this race, their war with the Arathi of Hallowfall, and their complicated relationship with Xal'atath opens up exciting new possibilities for gameplay and storytelling. As players embark on this adventure, they can anticipate uncovering more secrets about the nerubians and their place within the overarching narrative. Whether or not a nerubian allied race emerges, the nerubians' role in The War Within promises to captivate and challenge players in equal measure. While the War Within is still not - players continue to explore all the exciting content 10.2 and 10.2.5. brings to the game.

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