Upcoming Transmog Trading Post Reward: Stormrider's Stormhammers - Datamined Models

November 08, 2023 2 minutes

Greetings adventurers!

Today, we have some exciting news for all the fashion-savvy heroes out there. We've delved deep into the data and discovered the hidden models for a spectacular set of weapons known as the Stormrider's Stormhammers. These incredible weapons perfectly match the aesthetic of the coveted War Within preorder transmog set. Allow us, WowCarry, to provide you with all the details.

The Arsenal: Stormrider's Stormhammers

Last month, we stumbled upon the Stormrider's Stormhammers within the game's data. However, at that time, the models were encrypted, sparking intriguing speculation about their significance in the upcoming 11.0 story. As it turns out, our speculations were spot-on! These fascinating hammers bear the same name and color scheme as the rewards offered through the heroic or epic War Within Preorders.

After BlizzCon, the models were finally decrypted, allowing us to reveal their true beauty. Not only do we have a clear view of what they look like, but we've also discovered several unused color variations that will surely leave you in awe.

The Regal Stormhammer

One of the variations we found is the majestic Regal Stormhammer. This exquisite weapon perfectly complements the base Stormrider's Attire set, which you can obtain through the heroic or epic War Within Preorders. The elegant design and intricate details of the Regal Stormhammer will undoubtedly make you the envy of every adventurer you encounter.

The Thundering Stormhammer

If you're looking for something a bit more electrifying, then the Thundering Stormhammer is the weapon for you. This version features electrifying lightning effects and a captivating glow, adding an extra touch of magic to your battles. To obtain the Thundering Stormhammer, you'll need to complete special Storm Rider Races on your trusty Algarian Stormrider from the heroic or epic War Within Preorder.

Unused Recolors

As we dug deeper into the data, we stumbled upon a treasure trove of unused recolors for the Stormrider's Stormhammers. These stunning variations perfectly match the Algarian Stormrider customization options and offer a wide range of tints for the transmog set. Imagine customizing your hammers to perfectly suit your style and making a grand entrance wherever you go!

In summary, the Stormrider's Stormhammers are a set of awe-inspiring weapons that perfectly match the War Within preorder transmog set. Whether you prefer the regal elegance of the Regal Stormhammer or the electrifying power of the Thundering Stormhammer, these weapons are sure to make a statement on the battlefield. With unused recolors available, the possibilities for customization are endless.

So, gear up, fellow adventurers, and prepare to wield the power of the Stormrider's Stormhammers. May your battles be epic and your style unrivaled!

Final Thoughts

Thank you for joining us today as we explored the magnificent Stormrider's Stormhammers. These weapons are truly a sight to behold and offer endless possibilities for customization. We hope this information has inspired you to embark on new feats, armed with these incredible instruments of power. Now's the time to conquer the 10.2 update content and WowCarry will help you with that, check out how here.

Until next time, fellow heroes!

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